Nightly Roundup #858
by Calpain
Instead of artwork of a certain pony tonight, I'll give it another night so everyone has a chance to see it first. In the meantime, how about some badass anime Gilda? Looks like she is ready to kick some butt!
Another short one guys, so get some sleep once you blow through this one!
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Dave Polsky on True Equestria Radio tonight!
by Calpain
Ever wanted to ask Dave Polsky any sort of questions about ponies and his work on other shows and movies? Now is your chance tonight on True Equestria Radio! Tune in at Midnight EST for a chance to talk with him.
"Tonight on True Equestria Radio, writer Dave Polsky joins the roundtable of True Equestria Radio, answering questions from live callers just like you! It's sure to be a great time, so don't miss your chance to bug the writer who wrote Daring Don't and other episodes!Call in at midnight Eastern, either by phone, toll-free, at 714-888-7471 or by skype right HERE! You can also tune in on Fillydelphia Radio on Ponyville Live." -
I think the pre-readers went nuts again. I'm scared.
Author: Aquaman
Description: There's a plague infecting Equestria, and Diamond Tiara has taken it upon herself to cure it. They may be stronger in number and in sheer absurdity, but she's got a little something special to even the odds.
Diamond Tiara Hunts Down And Systematically Murders Bad OCs
That something being a three-foot long magically enchanted samurai sword. Look, nobody said this was gonna be pretty.
Additional Tags: Exactly What It Looks Like
op 7:00 PM
Labels: Author: Aquaman52, comedy, Complete, Dark, Diamond Tiara, Fanfiction, OC Ponies, Random, Star-Needed, Story -
How many times have I used that image? It never gets old. A few days ago I added a little addendum to our submit section, asking our news submitting masses to include a Twitter account with their submissions. As most people submitting news already know how it works and don't visit the submit section anymore, I figured I'd get an announcement up.
EQD is built around the submit process. We have a small staff, so having boatloads of people send stuff in is awesome, even if we get it 30 times. To thank everyone for keeping the pony world flowing into our inbox, we wanted to start including Twitter accounts for the first people that get it in.
Just include a link to your main Twitter or Facebook page (this or this for example), and we will link it when we post your name in the credit area! This is still first come first serve though, so get it in quick!
Of course, you are still free to simply drop a name or remain anonymous too. Twitter is not required.
New episode day means boatloads of new episode art when something so crazy happens! Expect the spoilers today.
Hopefully tomorrow we can pull off an entire drawfriend post dedicated to it. With how much we have today it wouldn't be too surprising. Go draw some episode art!
And get today's below.
[1] Source
CMC and the Temple of Chaos
And new banner from Drawponies!
Plushie Compilation #137
by Calpain
I wonder how different show would have been if Pinkie actually was Surprise in the show? Rainbow would never get a second to herself I bet.
Pony plushies on the way after the break!
[1] Source
Surprise custom plush
Twitter: Calpain -
Story: When They Found Common Ground
by Calpain
[Shipping][Slice of Life]
Author: Craine
Description: What could a smug, arrogant, disrespectful, inconsiderate, country-town farmpony possibly have to offer a seamstress down on her luck? Migraines, premature wrinkles, a revolutionary new fashion line, and a burning attraction that they'd both deny until the moon crashed into Equestria. That's what.
When They Found Common Ground
Additional Tags: Common gound brought them together.op 3:00 PM
Labels: Applejack, Complete, Fanfiction, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Shipping, Slice of Life, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Saturday Livestreams and Drawfriend
by Calpain
Well, I have a feeling what type of artwork everyone is going to be drawing today. Seth will probably be pleased! Not as many artists today, but that's understandable with the holidays. Check them after the break!
Twitter: Calpain
Well, that was quick. I guess a huge occurence like that would spawn some merch though! Too bad Funko isn't popping out a figure for it too.
Anyway, get the new shirts over here. And avoid it if you haven't watched the episode yet. It's totally shy.
That credit for BATS! is wrong. This one was written by Merriwether Williams. #MLPseason4
— Meghan McCarthy (@MMeghanMcCarthy) December 28, 2013
According to a recent Tweet by Meghan McCarthy it looks like there was a little error in today's episode! While the episode credits said Meghan had written the episode it was apparently Merriwether that gave us Bats for today.
Thanks for the correction Meghan! -
I can see why everyone loves Luna so much. It's so easy to make her super cute!
Anyhow, have some comics before the deluge of episode comics hits us. Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
I know I said I was done posting reviews of last week's ep, but I make exception for these phenomenal Silver Quill videos. They always come out last, but you can tell where the effort is going. I think I'm gonna dedicate the dead space right after a new ep airs to him as long as he keeps making videos. Anyways, check out the fantastic review after the break!
BATS! - Episode Discussion
by XyroTR1
You know, personally I wouldn't mind an episode dedicated to these kinds of BATS! They're adorable!
Anyhow, starting this week you should see an event or two pop up after each episode. It could be a contest or just a call for themed music, art, or fanfic submissions. Keep your eyes peeled!
Update: Fanfic event on Sunday, Possibly art event later in the week.
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