Nightly Roundup #851
by Calpain
Hey again guys! Sorry I have been absent lately, but I caught a cold from the fillies and colts at school and was out of it for quite awhile. Thankfully they don't last forever and now I am home for the holidays.
Anyhow, I think I promised a CMC header before I got sick so have some! *Throws CMC everywhere*
Check out what we have in the news after the break.
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Pwnies for a Cause 2013
by Calpain
The Holidays is that time of the year for giving and charity and of course pony folk are doing their best to be a part of that! The Bluescreen Bronies are having a weekend long charity event that follows up their successful event from last year and they are excited for you guys to join them! The event starts at 9am Dec 20 and ends on 9pm Dec 22 so there is plenty of time to join the festivities.
Check on after the break for a full list of the events which include interviews with such talent as Amy Keating Rogers, Anneli Heed, and many more as well as prizes of course.
I do love it when everyone includes genres! It seems like people that aim for spotlight posts always do. Yep...
Anyway, we have a bit of something for everyone in the instrumental section. Acoustic, Progressive House, and Orchestral are all below.
And lets keep the "comment only about the music" thing going for music posts for a bit more? Why don't you give these a rating out of 5 if you like them? I'm sure my temporary review group would love to see your feedback.
1.) Night Breeze | Sunset of Life (INSTRUMENTAL - ACOUSTIC)
2.) Eclipsing Rainbows - Winter (INSTRUMENTAL - PROGRESSIVE HOUSE)
3.) One Wing Ft. Pipsqueak - Spread Your Wings (INSTRUMENTAL - ORCHESTRAL)
One of those mega rare One Million Copy Anniversary comic books is being given away on the IDW Facebook page right now. Only 12 will be printed, making it one of the big ones for all you comic collectors out there.
How do you win? Toss an email to contests@idwpublishing.com and explain what MLP Taught you about friendship in 100 words of less. The deadline is Midnight on December 31st. Contest details can be found here.
I actually played a game of League yesterday for the first time in forever. It's amazing how much changes.
Anyway, onward to the art!
[1] Source
Midnight Rarity
Author: Blissey1
Description: Novel Tale is an author that's been living in Canterlot for about 10 years now. That's a pretty good track record for a changeling. He's even included a changeling character in his latest book, and his fans have been loving his take on such an obscure mythological creature, especially his biggest fan, Twilight Sparkle. Things are looking up!
A Novel Tale (Complete!)
Then an army of changelings from another hive attack Canterlot.
Now all of ponykind knows that changelings are real, and his readers are sure to realize that the changeling in his book was too similar to the real thing to have just been based on a myth...
Additional Tags: Twilight learns how changelings work
op 3:23 PM
Labels: Author: Blissey1, Complete, Fanfiction, Normal, OC Ponies, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Hopefully a bunch of you have caught up on the micro series comic released yesterday. If not, go read it then come back!
Luna here seems to vary pretty wildly between seasons and across the comic/show divide. She went from sad and timid in the pilot episodes, royal and serious in Luna Eclipsed, to mysterious and and dreamwalky in Sleepless in Ponyville. An extra dimension of the character was added with the comics though. Her persona here is... Rambunctious? I don't think I've ever used that word. It seems she took the concept of "fun" and ran with it, because Moonbutt be crazeh. This was true for both the Big Mac arc as well as her newest one.
After reading the micro yesterday, I'm sold. Give me wild and impatient Luna any day. What do you all prefer though? Do you like her sad and lonely, mysterious and cool, serious and royal, or wild and crazy? Hit those comments up with your thoughts, or feel free to tear me a new one for misinterpreting best pony.
When was the last time we had one of these? I remember an era where a bunch happened, then they just stopped. Ponysona 3 is still one of my favorites vidoes the fandom has made.
Anyway, someone ponified an anime called Nekomonogatari Black. Head on down below the break to check it out!
The guys over at Pony Platforming Project have released a demo for their upcoming second Minty Fresh Adventure game. While the last one focused entirely on Colgate, this sets you up with her, Lyra, and Sparkler I think?
Anyway! Get it over here. And have some adorable Trixie. Just Look at that Trixie. How could anyone ever hate that face? I want throw bits at her just for the smile.
Time to corral up some of these remixes for you all to peruse. Keep the music discussion going again! Get them all below.
1.) Freewave - Hearts Strong as Horses (Gallop to Glory Vocal Remix) (REMIX - SYNTHPOP)
2.) Hearts as Strong as Horses (PonyFireStone Remix) (REMIX - GENERAL ELECTRONIC)
3.) Hearts Strong as Horses (Determination Mix) (REMIX - CHILLOUT)
The MLP Facebook page has tossed up a preview for Power Ponies. It's 22 seconds, and obviously a bit spoilery. Head on over here to check it out!
Thanks to Elliot for the first, and the swarms of others for sending it in! The Great and Powerful Sethisto decided to finally go to bed, at the worst time.
Google has released their top trends for 2013 in loads of categories, with toys being one of them. Coming in at number 9 is none other than My Little Pony. I have no clue what Pokemon Fusion (wouldn't just Pokemon win?), Paw Patrol, and Palace pets are, but we totally need to beat them next year. At least we rated above some Disney thing!
Anyway, get the full list embedded below, or over here. Thanks to Daulton for the heads up!
You like teasers, don't you? We have yet another one from the MLP Facebook dedicated to the CMC. It came earlier yesterday, and I completely derped on posting it. It's nothing too revealing though. Head on down below the break for the CMC in helmets. Thanks to Ulrik with the first and everyone else for the heads up.
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