Nightly Roundup #846
by Calpain
Time for some Purple Smart because while AJ is awesome Twilight is certainly my favorite. Besides, it's around this time of year that everyone is finishing up school work for the holidays so I think a book worm like Twi is appropriate.
Best of luck to you all writing papers or studying for tests! Knock them out of the park. For now, have a break and read some pony.
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If my steam list is any indication, there are boatloads of you playing Starbound. Have you found yourselves tired of playing plants, robots, and birds? Time ti upgrade to ponies!
This is an in progress mod, so just like the game with it's character wipes and complete level system overhauls, expect some changes.
Head on over here if you want to pick this one up! -
Toy World's new catalog has a few more TY pony plushies listed for those collecting this set. It looks like Rarity, Fluttershy, Twilight (with wings), and Applejack will soon be available. I'm going to have to review these some time in the future.
Thanks to Sanz for the heads up.
It's that time once again for some deep analysis of pony products for all you people with spare money to throw around. The Funko Mystery Mini's released pretty recently, emulating each of their larger figures with ponies that are about half the size.
Since we have already reviewed most of these in their larger size, I figured I'd mix it up with a bit of an unboxing. These aren't totally random if you get a box though, as each one does include all 12 listed. However, there are 24 figures floating around in the wild at the moment (recolors), so this only covers half.
Anyway, get some mystery minis below the break!
TV's in Equestria!? And flat panels at that! (I kid)
I guess we get to see how the season 4 CMC behave. Hopefully they get their marks already. Apple Bloom has to be going on to 16 years old at this point. What is an adult pony without a butt symbol called I wonder?
Thansk to Paul and Dashie for the heads up.
Welcome, one and all, to the final Hearth's Warming Micro-Comic Giveaway Day!
There have been quite a few entries to sift through so far, and there are quite a few more to go as we catch up with the staggered entries, and I'm glad we could offer nifty prizes from IDW for this little bit of fun.
Join us after the break for the final prompt and lineart!
Today our runner-up was from kasei yoshi, with some ponies snuggling in the snow. It's a really nice piece, too! Have I said I wish we had more prizes? Because I do wish that!
Join us after the break for the winners and entrants of the fourth day of the Hearth's Warming Microcomic Giveaway!
Derpy bought an RC jet. Ponyville is doomed.
Get some art below!
[1] Source
Make way for Derpy Air Mail!
This comic series just keeps getting better. We have pirates in the current arc, and something I know a LOT of you have been looking for in the 17th issue. Starswirl the Bearded, that mysterious unicorn referenced quite a bit in the last few seasons (who apparently failed alicorn training) will finally be detailed.
Expect it in March of 2014, and written/illustrated by MLP comic veterans Andy Price and Katie Cook.
Thanks to Masem for the heads up! -
Story: Three Wishes: The Cutie Mark Crusaders Before They Changed The World (Update - Sequel Part 6!)
by Sethisto
Author: Xepher
Description: A minor injury leads Apple Bloom to learn that she and the other Crusaders aren't like normal ponies. Not having their marks has always been their common bond, but as the trio uncover their unique nature, it becomes clear that their lives are intertwined on a much deeper level. As they learn the secrets of their shared past, it leads to revelations about their friendship, families, and their long sought after talents. What they discover and accomplish along the way is beyond what anypony would have thought possible.
Three Wishes: The Cutie Mark Crusaders Before They Changed The World
Three Wishes: The hole in the Sun (New Sequel Part 6!)
Cinder Claws the Caribou Legend of Kol-Klor
Additional Tags: Crusaders discover their incredible nature!
op 14:00
Sildid: Adventure, Applebloom, Author: Xepher, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Scootaloo, Star-Needed, Story, Sweetie Belle -
I do love me some cell shadey style. A Korean game developer is working on a neat little 3D pony project, complete with a demonstration video of his super early engine work. A few pages have been posted over here, with the most recent being in November. If you are curious to see it in action, check it out below the break!
Apparently that first one is based off something. I'm not too versed in the world of AMV's though! Maybe you will recognize it? Story seems cool for a PMV At least.
We also have some Anthropology typography to break things up, and another PMV After it! Get all three below.
1.) Cerebus Syndrome - PMV (Blue)
2.) PMV - Rebirth
3.) Anthropology - Lyra's Song (Typography)
Author: LuminoZero
Description: Sweetie Belle doesn't really understand why she decided to spend the day with the young colt. Most ponies saw him as a bit eccentric, but Sweetie sees something far more familiar and comforting in his odd-ball behavior.
Drama King
Additional Tags: Button Mash the attention whore.
op 11:00
Sildid: Author: LuminoZero, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Other, Pinkie Pie, Shipping, Star-Needed, Story, Sweetie Belle -
This popped up over on Daniel Ingram's Twitter the other day. While not a 100% confirmation on anything, we may be seeing a song in the upcoming episode this week. Technically this would mark the first of the season. I bet all you remixers are drooling to get your hands on something at this point.
Thanks to Nosatalgia Schmaltz for the heads up! -
Pinka Pie! We have the title for the 9th episode of season four available over on Zap2it. Unfortunately, there isn't a synopsis yet. I'm guessing this is the one from Comic Con though.
You know the drill! All information below. Thanks to Ulrik and Stemglass with the first and everyone else for the heads up!
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