Nightly Roundup #843
by Calpain
I know, more LifeLoser, but it just seemed so appropriate for today! Anyhow, to get some more variety going once again, what would you guys like for tomorrow night? Leave a comment down below and I'll pick a popular one.
News rush! Bam!
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After more than a year, the 3rd edition of PONIES The Anthology has finally arrived. A whopping one hour and 14 minutes filled with the zany, the cute, the fully animated, and just about everything in between. It's pretty amazing how much the quality has improved to reflect its huge build time. Head on down below the break to check it out!
[Slice of Life]
Author: Honey Mead
Description: Having a morning ritual allows a pony to prepare for the coming day with a minimum of thought, thus freeing their minds to contemplate everything from the past to the future... for some this is less than ideal.
A Morning Ritual
Additional Tags: Tragedy is not one action.
op 8:00 PM
Labels: Author: Honey Mead, Complete, Fancy Pants, Fanfiction, Fleur-de-Lis, Normal, Star-Needed, Story -
Comic: Wanna Build a Snow.... Chaos Everywhere / The Librarian / A Gift for Hearth's Warming...
by Sethisto
Immortal Goddeses causing trouble, Discord discording, Twilight being crossovered, and more of that Lyra/Lauren Faust series comic. Click for full!
Castle Mane-Ia Ratings are Out!
by Calpain
Looks like we're getting consistent ratings numbers each week now thanks to Son of the Bronx so lets dive right into how Episode 3 did last weekend!
From the looks of it, MLP once again topped out at the top of the ratings for the week. Not as many as the premiere, but that is to be expected eh? Check below for an excerpt of the ratings and click the link above for the full list.
We need a side Daring Do series. Dash would be the perfect sidekick.
Get some art below!
[1] Source
Rainbow Dash and the Ring of Destiny
I know how much you all love a bit of charity. The Anthology guys are planning an event to lead up to their big release tonight, where they will be revisiting both the first and second PONIES videos, and hitting up some season 4 episodes to break up the time. While this is going on, there will be shirts and posters to buy to directly fund the New York Cancer Research Institute.
Head on over here at 5:00 PM EST / 2:00 PM PST to check it out!
Charity products can be found here for shirts, and here for posters. -
Livestream Saturdays and Drawfriend
by Calpain
So how did you all like that episode guys? I watched it with my sis and it was awesome so I hope that it spurs on some really creative thoughts and got you fired up to watch some streams or do some art yourself!
SFM Meets fully custom PMV for the first time as far as I have seen. Slot number one combines both genres for something very intriguing. The shift between the usual show style animation VS the SFM 3d models is excellent.
And in number two, a bit of Scootaloo flyin around. It can drag a bit with how much flying said pony does, but it's cute regardless. Get them below!
1.) Pegasus (SFM/PMV)
2.) First Flight [SFM]
A recent questioin over on Daniel Ingram's Facebook page has revealed an extra bit of information on these new purchasble pony songs. It looks like we will also be seeing some Equestria Girls music in the near future. A CD is still up in the air though. I guess only time will tell.
Thanks to Sen555 for the heads up. -
Daring Don't - Episode Discussion
by XyroTR1
I know that several of us here at EQD HQ have really been looking forward to this one.
Also, a trend seems to have been started! Mr. Dave Polsky, writer of this episode, is doing a live tweet-a-long during the premiere. Follow his Twitter here and also be sure to watch the #mlpseason4 hashtag!
And for a fun addition, Meghan McCarthy is also live-tweeting as well as Mike Vogel's (@mktoon) Dad! This could be a fun one.
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