Nightly Roundup #836
by Calpain
Awww, wifehorse and husandhorse sure do love each other. So cute~
Yep, news time again guys. Check it after the break!
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Artisan Pony Crafts Compilation #29
by Calpain
Huntress Lyra of the Wild? I can dig it. Why is it so easy to make ponies look badass?
Another edition of pony crafts coming your way everyone! Check it all after the break.
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Archer Lyra
Comic: Trapper... / The Trouble Has... / When Moths Attack / Timey Wimey / Muffinfied / Rarity: Element of Greed
by Sethisto
Truckloads of comics! We have diary raiding, moths, time travel, muffins, greed, and a bunch of stuff in between. Click for full!
I've seen a few people say our polls aren't working for them on Twitter, which would make sense considering new season traffic has jumped but votes have decreased. If you are one of these people, let me know below!
It looks like Castle - Mane-ia was the big one. I'm definitely looking forward to six and four a bunch though.
Anyway, next poll: Which duo in Castle Mane-ia worked the best together? Hit it up on the sidebar!
Enterplay has released details on their upcoming premiere events for the 7th of December. Each location was hand picked based on the areas with larger meetup groups/MLP communities, so there will probably be loads of people to play with.
The Entry fee (~$20 based on which store is running it) into said events nets you:
- Theme Deck (either Rainbow Dash or Twilight Sparkle)
- 2 Booster Packs
- Pre-release String Bag
- Special Rainbow Dash Foil Card (#P1)
- Poster
- Plus, a chance to win great prizes, like the Nightmare Moon Troublemaker foil card (#P7), Premium Playmats, Boosters, and more!
And the locations:
Dallas (Venue Pending)
Their Facebook page will have updates throughout the week. -
I can't believe we've actually compiled up 1000 of these things. I also can't believe we have had enough art to actually fill almost 1000 days in a row. I have a feeling pony is the only one out there that has ever done something that groundbreaking.
Art has always been one of my favorite parts of the fandom. It's fun to collect, shows a side of these characters that can't be portrayed in the show, and is generally appealing to look at. Nothing rocks more than Twilight Sparkle in full mage armor sundering worlds with an epic spell or Fluttershy's cottage stylized to look like one of those million dollar oil paintings. You just can't get that anywhere else. Add hoofboots, socks, sweaters, new races, and the plethora of art styles portraying each to the mix, and you got a piece of the ponyverse that is hard to ignore.
Now go get some ponies! I was going to do a best of the best over the years thing, but I think that might be more fun as an archeology post. We should probably get those going again soon!
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Garden of shadows
Livestream Saturdays and Drawfriend
by Calpain
So how did you all like that episode guys? I watched it with my sis and it was awesome so I hope that it spurs on some really creative thoughts and got you fired up to watch some streams or do some art yourself!
This game seriously has the most satisfying clip clop sound ever. I've been hoping for a 3D pony game forever now, so go support the crap out of this one and make it thrive to completion!
Build video below the break!
Doctor Whoof is seriously going to need his own series soon. If they ever need scripts for it, we have two more radio plays dedicated to the guy, with two different groups heading them.
Also Trixie.
Get them below!
1.) The Incredible Escapades of Doctor and Dopey: Episode 1
2.) Doctor Whooves The Great:[Episode 1] Wish Upon a Box
The way this guy syncs ponies up to beats is just addicting or something. I've rewatched that Very Hot one like 30 times.
Anyway, have another below!
Update: And get some Scepterlicious too!
So, that happened! It's looking like season 4 is going to be pretty active on the Twitterverse. Today was quieted a bit thanks to the leak earlier in the week, but that didn't stop a bunch of the show staff from joking around via Twitter.
If you want to join in, drop a #MLPseason4 on whatever you tweet. Don't be awful like me and forget to add it!
And three in particular that are worth reading up on for their shenanigans today:
Mike "The Boss" Vogel
Josh "Omg Disney would freak at that Twitter Background" Haber
Meghan "I can't believe she just said that!" McCarthy
Now go #MLPseason4 on Twitter!
Update: And some fun stuff below the break courtesy of Preston. I'm cool with this.
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