Nightly Roundup #826
by Calpain
Checking over the votes from last night either a Calpony or Scootaloo pic was chosen for tonight! I didn't have a good Scoots on hand so have another Papers, Please style Calpony from an animation coming out soon.
Now, on to some news guys! Lots of promo stuff and groups looking for help tonight I've got to say.
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Fallout: Equestria is a big, expansive and inclusive universe that has spawned a whole plethora of side-stories,the newest and freshly updated editions of which are listed below.This post only features New or Updated stories from Wednesday, October 16th, 2013 through Tuesday, November 19th, 2013 for a total of 103 stories (26 of which are new) and 218 new chapters -but fear not, should you be searching for old favourites, you can find them at:
- The Official Fallout: Equestria Resource Site
- Fallout: Equestria Group on Fimfiction
- In the Official Fallout: Equestria Side Stories Compilation Document
- In the old Equestria Daily Compilation post
Check them out after the break.
Half Life Parodies, Dubstep, way too many effects, Ponies the Anthology 3 is on it's way after a year in the making. With so many people on the project, I'm sure it's going to be incredible in length.
Four trailers have popped up for it over the past few weeks if you are curious for a taste of what is to come. Usually trailers for anything outside of animation projects (and even those need to be pretty substantial clips) stay in the Nightly Roundup, but splitting them off can't hurt right? Some of these might be repeats if you follow those every night.
Get them all below!
The team behind PonyKart has officially announced their ending after a year of silence. Due to obligations in real life, the time needed to continue creation of the game just wasn't there.
Luckily, they have released the source code for you all to play with. Who knows, maybe another team will swoop in and rescue it? It wouldn't be the first time.
Head on over here for the official news update.
Update: A Google group has been set up to hopefully revive it. Find that here! -
Fluttershy has started to pop up, with Thaland having some super early releases on her. For those that haven't been following it, she actually has a voice box installed for some yay's and other Fluttery things. Expect it to hit everywhere in a few weeks, with the optional dress (also found below, though in brochure form).
Thanks to RandomCPV for the heads up!
I don't think any of us expected two Spike episodes in a 13 episode season. Here we were though with a round two. I almost expected an entire pony pet toy line to show up with how much these guys were being used.
As for the episode itself, we got to be Spike's classic dragon greed once again, without the growing side effect. The crazy dragon tries to throw all the pets at the Cutie Mark Crusaders of all ponies. How could that ever end well?
I have to wonder how sapient the animals actually are in this world. Angel, Opal, and Owlicious seem completely aware of everything. Maybe a deal could have been had a bit earlier if he wasn't so quick to rush it. Spike needs to take some business courses. That stuff happens sloooow.
Anyway, get the episode below the break.
Artisan Pony Crafts Compilation #28
by Calpain
Dang! Chrysalis makes one amazing sculpture! Her design and her colors plus just her evil nature just makes her one impressive creature to make a model out of.
Speaking of impressive models, check after the break for some more wonderful creations!
[1] Source
Queen Chrysalis Sculpture For Sale!
Author: Pen Stroke
Description: There is a secret in Equestria. A secret the newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle doesn't dare to believe. Like puppeteers pulling on marionettes, they have influenced Equestria for better and worse since the fall of Discord. So far they have been benevolent, but their potential for evil is vast. What’s worse, she doesn't know their name. She doesn't know their mission. All she knows for certain is one thing.
Wise Beyond Her Years (New Part 10!)
That they all seem to be zebra.
Additional Tags: The conspiracy's web entangles allop 3:33 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Pen Stroke, Complete, Everypony, Fanfiction, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Rarity Vs. Giant crabs via Spaghetti the game, and a crossover animation thing. I don't know where this new .fileextention meme came from, but I have a feeling we are going to see loads of it in the next few days here.
If you can guess what the second one is based off of just from the image below, you win a medal.
I honestly don't know anything about Rush, but Luna looks good in a shirt as proven by the official comics, so there is that.
Have some art! It's a short one today, but that is usually the case mid week.
[8] Source
Commission: Luna's RUSH shirt
Comic: A Day in Equestria for Pinkie / No Force in Universe / Just Wint it / Applejack's Element / Hammer Hype
by Sethisto
What happens within a day for ponyville's most asctive pony? What kind of crazy shenanigans does she end up involving herself with? That first comic hopes to explain it. The amount of stuff going on in each "panel" is almost overwhelming. How beyond fitting. Make sure you hit the description up for more pages.
And get some usual stuff below!
Story: Pilgrimage
by Calpain
[Slice of Life][Bittersweet]
Author: Pascoite
Description: Apple Bloom makes her yearly journey with her big sister, one that gets harder every time. But this year will be different. This year, she'll tell Applejack everything, even if it hurts. She couldn't do any less for somepony she loves so much.
Additional Tags: Family roles aren't always simpleop 11:00 AM
Labels: Applebloom, Applejack, Author: Pascoite, Complete, Fanfiction, Star-Needed, Story -
Friendship may have just recently gone full on manly, but technically, it already was. We have minotaurs after all. Get some spaghetti below, and Dash going super saiyan to follow it, just because.
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