There's a point where there is almost too much cute to handle and think this picture comes insanely close! Hnnnngggg....
Before I am rushed to the hospital, I think we'll start voting for headers again. Suggest a header in the comments after checking out the news for today after the break!.
None of your judgment, Flitter. I know I should have posted this yesterday. You should be lucky, having the power to control your local climate -- humans have to deal with infernal machines called air conditioners that refuse to turn off even when you set them that way.
Right -- before the pre-readers bring you another story feature from the Royal Canterlot Library, I'd like to point out that Season 4 will be premiering in five days. The next half-year of Saturdays are looking to get dominated by episodes, so we're gonna start posting these articles every Friday instead. Coincidentally, that's when the RCL updates, too.
Let's now hear some words from Estee, either over at the Library, or below the break!
Nothing spoilery this time, just the 5 days remaining mark from The Hub's Twitter and Facebook. We are almost there!
Thanks to Andrew, Kyria, and Tiana for the heads up at around the same time. . -
Coming straight from the World of Twitter is a new discussion post dedicated to all you music enthusiasts out there. We have a pretty badass set of musicians within the fandom, but what about the outside world? Once again, that hypothetical Hasbro executive has come to you waving around his book full of blank checks, and wants to draw in a new crowd with season five.
Your mission as ultimate pony fandom liaison, is to choose a band, group, or musician that has nothing to do with the show, and hire them on to do a pony song. Thanks to your currently endless budget, you are free to resurrect someone via billions of dollars of research. Want to bring back Frank Sonatra for a Fly me to the Moon duet with Luna? Go for it.
And while you are at it, give the newly indoctrinated pony fan a topic. You can force them to write a song about anything pony related you wish, be that Applejack quitting her job at the farm for a high tech pharmaceuticals career, to Twilight Sparkle going emo-mode about her wings and the troubles they have caused. Poor Twilight. -
With only three episodes until the season finale, there was certainly some hype going on, and this episode did exactly nothing to quell the force of the coming season's end. John de Lancie as Discord was always a joy to see act his character and this romp with Fluttershy was no exception, even if his eventual change of heart right at the end might have rustled a few feathers at the time. Additionally, as we saw later, Discord had no noticeable impact on the events of the finale, which leads us only to speculation as to his larger role in future seasons.
According to a tweet by Meghan McCarthy around the time this episode aired, the original title was Fluttershy's Home for Reformed Draconequi, and that the title was most likely changed after the layout stage had been completed. The surviving title, of course, is a reference to the now-iconic British WWII motivational poster.
After the break, ya'll.
[Slice of Life]
Author: Benman
Description: In the time before the three pony tribes became one, a rampaging monster tears apart a noble caravan. Now the baron’s shattered family must put itself back together—with one remarkable addition.
An Earth Pony Oprhan in the Unicorn Court
Additional Tags: Somebody Think Of The Children -
Japan time! Mare do well is up this week. Have some links:
Find a Pet Song in Japanese
New Ending Theme
And get your usual episode below the break!
Click for animated!
Get some art below!
[1] Source
Twilight's Last Stand
I actually grabbed a poll off Twitter, but looking at this, it might be time for a plushie war. We have a bunch of companies all with their own lineups. Time to battle them out!
If you have no idea what each of these is, head on down below the break for examples and selling points of each, or use it as a plushie buying guide. I guess it doubles as that!
If you read these little blurbs up here, you have probably picked up that I love me some pirates. This comic is one I've been waiting for since it was announced at Comic Con in August. To hype it up a bit, a bunch of pages have been revealed to get you started. Head on down below the break to check it out!
Expect this one to release on the 20th of this month.
Meghan McCarthy decided to expand upon that Hub teaser yesterday in regards to fashionpony. It looks like she will be seeing multiple episodes in the coming season.
You may be asking "but why is this news, of course there is going to be a Rarity episode or two!", well, good denizens of EQD, I point to season three where there wasn't a single Rarity focused outing. While that was only thirteen episodes vs the marathon of 26 on the horizon, it does happen! Rarity fans rejoice! I know ours here on the EQD staff is.
Thanks to Rainbow Dash and Eillahwolf for the heads up! -
A.) Chrysalis is best pony
B.) This is super unique for the pony fandom
C.) The audio quality is a little weird but A and B make up for it.
Seriously give that first one a shot. It's super cool once it gets going and the chorus kicks in. Hip-Hopera isn't really a thing we have ever seen here.
And in slot number two, we have a cute Doctor/Derpy song, because that is still the best ship according to Hot Topic.
1.) Mother Changeling (feat. Amelia Bedelia and other changelings)
2.) Guide You Blindly - Tellab & MeetSouder
It looks like another collector series set is brewing over in one of those Hasbro commissioned Chinese factories. The Spike toy up above was spotted over on Taoboa. Who he will be combined with remains a mystery. I'm sure we will find out soon though. More images of it over here!
Thanks to Diana for the heads up!
Update: Looks like its from one of those brushable sets. Doh!
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