Nightly Roundup #822
by Calpain
How about some Spike and Scootaloo for tonight? Oh Scoots, just wait till you have your first crush!
Time for some more news everyone, looks like we have a lot of meetups preparing for the premiere next weekend! Check it all out after the break.
I'm keeping the title unspoilery for the side bar since I know it doesn't block that if you are using our spoilers category. This little tidbit of news actually popped up a few days ago, but it looks like not a whole lot of people saw the tweet based on how few retweets it got. According to Meghan McCarthy, the Discord song in season 4 has "a lot of words". It's already pretty cool that he is getting his own song, but the idea that we are getting a "long" Discord song just shot the hype meter up another few notches. Considering he seems to dominate the villain polls, I'm sure this will excite a few of you.
Thanks to Margaret for the heads up! Someone new! -
The 13th installment of the main series comicsis getting another super hero theme from Jetpack and Larrys, with Derpy and the Cakes at center stage. If you want it, find it over here!
Thanks to The Illustrious Q For the heads up! -
Spike! The poor guy doesn't get a whole lot of episodes, so how do you think he is going to do in the world of comics? You be the judge! Discuss it below, and have some links if you haven't already read it.
Variants (Images in order from right to left, top to bottom)
Cover A
Cover B
Retail Incentive
I actually just watched this one again on the plane back from Texas. It's one of my go-to episodes if I'm super bored and don't have an internet connection.
A couple of cool things happened right off the bat in this one. First off, Spitfire finally got a whole bunch of extra characterization. Until now, she has been right above the level of background pony, dropping a line here and there about various things. Turning her into a drill sergeant for Rainbow Dash to look up to was a nice touch, In fact, a few ponyville pegasus got some love here. Snowflake went from a oneshot joke in Hurricane Fluttershy, to a legit piece of the world. Remember back when it was just a bunch of copy paste random ponies in the background? Times sure have changed.
I'd also argue that this had one of the strongest endings of the season, with some warm and fuzzys via Dash impressing her idol and being essentially showered in praise. That scene when she was explaining the end of her Wonderbolt dreams to her friends only to be interrupted by Spitfire was awesome. It also scared me. WHY DO I CARE SO MUCH ABOUT THESE PONIES?
Anyway, get it below.
We have seen charity auctions sell empty bottles for crazy amounts with just 300 people in the room, so lets see what the entire internet can do shall we? Nicole Oliver has donated a signed Equestria Girls + Celestia Figure combo pack to charity, with all proceeds going toward Mental Fitness, a charity focused on educating children about eating disorders, Body image, and mindfulness.
Head on over here if you want to contribute! Happy bidding. -
Remember way back a year ago when someone going by the name of Pinkie Pie won a competition to see who could hack Google Chrome? Well, they have returned for round two, and once again hacked both a Galaxy S4 and a Nexus 4 phone via an exploit in Chrome. Or more specificlly for you tech people out there:
The researcher’s new Chrome exploit chained together an integer overflow vulnerability and a sandbox escape one, earning him a prize of US$50,000. - PC World
I have no clue what that means, our tech guy Cereal is working, and this isn't a tech blog, so I'm just going to assume Discord tried trapping Pinkie in a sandbox without realizing she could slip through dimensions at will, and then she got 50,000 dollars for it.
A full article can be found over here! -
Rarity love, comic making experience, and the world of drawing cute colorful ponies are all explored over in a new interview with the two people working on the first in the Friends Forever series, Alex de Campi and Carla Speed Mcneil. It's always fascinating to see new people join the pony staffer armada. Hopefully these guys find some luck in it! I know I'll be plugging the hell out of the comics. Seriously, go buy some.
Anyway, get it over here. Thanks to Masem for the heads up! -
This post was almost late because I can't stop watching the ultimate duel. It's almost as bad as those background ponies in that Burns Burns Burns video yesterday. Addictive...
Get some art!
[1] Source
Image swap. I can't help but be annoyed at annoying orange, sorry orange fans.
So, that annoying orange thing that was always on top of Youtube back when they had top lists, and eventually Cartoon Network, did a pony segment. Does this mean we are going to get another influx of Youtube commenters? That's it, fandom's doomed.
Get it below the break!
Covers and Synopsis for February Official Comic Release - Penny Press, Pony Tales Volume 2, and Main Series #16
by Sethisto
Some of these variants have the most interesting covers.I'd so read a Daring Do micro comic or something.
The new synopsis for February releases on the pony comics have popped up. Head on down below the break for all of them!
Ponified Trailers: The Last Alicorn / My Little Pony: Days of Ponies Past / MLP: Borderlands 2 DLC / Equestria Salvation
by Sethisto
The Last Airbender, X-men, Borderlands, and Terminator. We ponify it all. Get some trailers below.
1.) The Last Alicorn (Official Troller)
2.) My Little Pony: Days of Ponies Past
3.) MLP: Borderlands 2 DLC Trailers
4.) Equestria Salvation (Official Troller)
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