Nightly Roundup #815
by Calpain
Doctor Whooves! Got to admit, the fellow looks rather dashing in a Gala style outfit don't you think?
On to the news guys while I go flop off to bed. Neeeeed sleeeeep...
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Our beloved equines have accidently agreed to take part in an experiment Twilight Sparkle was working on, involving something to do with teleporting long distances. Unfortunately, her newfound alicorn powers seem to have supercharged it, and flung the mane six into another dimension.
What king of setting would you like to see them take part in? Is a steampunk dystopian world to your liking? Or maybe something on a higher plane of sci fi, TRON style?
Hit those comments with your thoughts! -
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It's a busy day in the ponyverse! Remember that fun 8-bit pony game from the Hub a while back? Well, it just updated with new characters and levels! I've only just started, but it's great so far! Check it out here! -
Pinkie Pie just got hit with that new Google plus Youtube thing! How does she react? How did you react? I know how I reacted.
Anyway, get yet another Tiarawhy animation I can actually post below.
The finale of season 2 had arrived, and another giant haitus on episodes was ahead of us. While we couldn't wait for another epic two-parter to follow the Discord arc that we began the last few months with, we were sad to see it coming to a close.
Perceived canon was shattered with the introduction of a new alicorn, a petty pink princess one at that. While there was a good bit of complaining, the blow was softened greatly by yet another new character. Queen Chrysalis, in just five minutes of airtime, completely stole the show. I've never seen so much fanart all flood in at once.
This is part one though, and I'm sure all of you had some kind of initial reaction to why the pretty alicorn princess was being such a douchetyphoon before the big reveal. Hit the comments up with what you thought Cadence was going to be! I was personally crossing my fingers for some Great and Powerfulness, don't tell anyone though.
[Comedy][Slice of Life]
Author: Sarcasmo
Description: Spike has had it. It's not his fault the library is a shambles. In fact, he tried his very best to save it.
Spike on Strike
And now he's supposed to take the blame? Not this time! Until Twilight starts to fully appreciate his worth, Spike goes on strike!
He will not falter! He will not give in! He will stand his ground!
...if at the end of it all there is still some ground left to stand on.
Additional Tags: Spike on Strike! Twilight hit!op 3:00 PM
Labels: Author: Sarcasmo, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Spike, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Thanks to masem for sending it in! -
Fleur kinda disappeared after her initial appearance. I'm still sitting here hoping she ends up being an international spy or something crazy in season 4. Political intrigue must be commonplace in Fancy Pants's position.
Anyway, get some art.
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Dancin' in the rain
Those random mass produced plushies being sold on eBay have made their way over to Australia. A store called Game Traders had all of these in stock. Whether they ordered them for resale, or if these are an actually legit product line is still a mystery. A good amount of people are reporting them at anime and general geek conventions around the USA. Someone out there, be they company or single counter-fitter, is making bank off them.
Thanks to Proncess Hawkins for the heads up! -
News? Kinda. I bet you guys will have fun guessing regardless!
While it may be a ways off, the season 4 finale is still going to be a thing. What this thing is, we haven't the slightest clue. If Meghan's hype is any indication though, it's going to be a pretty amazing thing.
New villain? Chrysalis returns? Trixie becomes an alicorn princess? Discord becomes an alicorn princess? Only time will tell! -
A tweet (or at least a tweet linking to their tumblr post) sent out by Nightmare Nights Dallas (which will occupy my time for the next few days btw if you see odd gaps in posting) has announced that the MLP CCG looks to be getting hit with a delay of a few weeks.
Hopefully news of either a new release date, or a "this is just for conventions" pops up soon. Enterplay is usually pretty good at getting the word out there.
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