Wow, where did this guy come from? That first song has almost no views. Maybe the cover art? Who knows! It's an awesome acoustic song though, so go get it below.
And if acoustic isn't your thing, get a new combo from Gatopaint and Feather, orchestral/piano style. Rarity fans should definitely check that one out.
1.) I Will Never Meet Her (Original MLP Song by Kenneth Kraylie)
2.) The Price I Pay [ GatoPaint+Feather ]
Actor Kristian Nairn who you may recognize for his role in the ridiculously popular Game of Thrones TV series, is apparently also a fan of MLP! As you can see from the images above, he owns a bit of personal pony swag, including one with a mare in the moon, and the other dropping Rainbow Dash's cutie mark.
I guess if your parents ever bug you for blasting the MLP theme at 7-10AM on Saturdays, you can point them to this badass.
Just three weeks after Fluttershy starred in Putting Your Hoof Down, she showed up again in what can probably be considered one of her more popular episodes.Hurricane Fluttershy contained a lot of moments that have quickly become classic. I’m sure I don’t need to remind anyone about Fluttershy’s tree disguise, or the musical training montage. We also got a little character development on the part of both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. We learned more about Fluttershy’s past, and I for one endlessly appreciated the way Dash kept catching herself being too harsh, and speaking more gently for Fluttershy’s sake.Combine that with the reappearance of the ever-popular Spitfire, and the first appearances of many new background pegasi, and we had an episode that I felt was top-tier.
But why listen to me ramble about it when you could just watch it? Head below the break for Hurricane Fluttershy. -
Star Struckin all the ponies.
We have a bunch of art today! Get it below.
[1] Source
BatPonyStarStruck- Star Struck
Looks like the major cons are all flooding in now with new stuff. You know the drill. Have some headlines:
BronyCon 2014 site launch: dates, venue and registration announced
Everfree Northwest 2014: Openings in Staff Positions
Canterlot University Starts Crowdfunding
Tickets are now on sale for the Grand Brony Gala - Two!
And full press releases below the break!
What do you plan on doing when season four begins? If not a party, what else do you plan for November 23rd? -
According to a scan on "Theblackfriday.com", the 15 inch princess Funko plushies are going to be dropping to 10 dollars a pop. The other sales appear to be pretty light, but I know a good amount of you collect the spaghetti mane set, so this might be a good one to look out for.
Expect massive crowds as always! I usually liked black Friday when I was working retail. Complete chaos. I'm sure we will see loads more deals as the date approaches. Thanks to Grant for the heads up.
I haven't a clue if that first one is actually a pony song, but it deals with mirrors, crowns, and thrones, so you can project some Twilight on it if it bugs you. I can't not post something of that level!
And for you orchestral fans out there, Night Breeze has a really well done orchestral piece to listen to. Get that below as well!
1.) Aviators - Mirrors (feat. PrinceWhateverer)
2.) Night Breeze - The Nascence of a Story
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