As many of you have pointed out, Gameloft has released a new update for the MLP Mobile game, complete with a bunch of new decorations, costumes for the mane case and Changelings, and new ponies altogether. We have a boatload of images of all of it for those of you without enough progress to enjoy it all. Hit them all up below!
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Author: Bad_Seed_72
Description: When Cheerilee asks her students to write an essay on their greatest hero, there's only one stallion Rumble can write about. That is none other than the stallion who's loved, protected, and cared for him the most. The one who's been there when nopony else has. The one who guides him, provides for him, and leaves big horseshoes for him to fill someday.
Big Horseshoes
Takes place before "Wonderbolt Academy".
Additional Tags: Brotherly bonds overcome all obstacles
op 9:00 PM
Labels: Author: Bad_Seed_72, Complete, Fanfiction, Normal, Other, Rumble, Star-Needed, Story, Thunderlane -
The Hub and Modern Mom have teamed up The Hub's Halloween Bash event via a party on Twitter. Festivities begin at 4:45 PM PST on Saturday October 26th, during which 50 dollar gift cards and Halloween themed prize packs will be given out. If you want to join in, hit up this page and RSVP with your Twitter handle. -
A bunch of new bedding and blankets have been added to Target's website found by BF4pony. Have some links!
Comforter Twin
Sheet Set
And head on down below the break for more random merch!
Just in case you needed a reminder that Twilight does indeed keep a terrifying, dangerous, potentially town-destroying mythical creature as an assistant, along comes this episode with a gift basket full of reminders and old movie homages, with some Rarity on the side.
Everyone waiting for a Spike episode got their wish this time, thanks to M.A. Larson. We got a lesson on the fallacies of greed, a demonstration that dragons indeed do not care a single bit about how potentially valuable gems are as a form of currency in Equestria (a single bit- see what I did there?), and a fantastic reenactment of old King Kong and Godzilla films featuring Spike, Rarity, and the Wonderbolts. Even the title of the episode is an homage to the 1987 film The Secret Of My Success, though one of the working titles was Giving Dangerously. We also learned that even teenaged Spike cannot make a fedora look good. Take notes.
Be sure to catch The Consequences of Larson Not Giving a Pony Wings after the break.
What would you do if your sneezes made everyone fall in love with eachother? That sounds like a dangerous weapon right there.
Have some art!
[1] Source
Young Cadance Squeezes one out
Enterplay has sent out information on the theme decks we can expect to pick up once the collectable card game officially releases. Each single starter pack aligns with two element of harmony colors to formulate their build strategy.
For specific pack contents:
Single Theme Deck:
59 cards, Foil Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle, with two secondary ponies non foil (Rainbow Dash + Rarity, and Twilight and Applejack.)
2 Player Theme Deck:
Double the one above with Pinkie and Fluttershy as the main ponies.
[Slice of Life]
Author: short skirts and explosions
Description: Octavia's new to Ponyville, and she just bought a used couch. As it turns out, she has to move the heavy thing clear across town on her lonesome. That isn't the problem. The problem is these damn crazy ponies who won't stop pestering her.
Cover Art by faloxx
Additional Tags: furniture, friendship, adoracute, mute, fulfilled dreams
A couple of shows dropped some pony recently. That seems to be the things these days. It reminds me of web comics a year ago!
First off, the Comedy Central animated series Brickleberry dropped the Rarity you see above. And over on the Disney Channel, the show called "Fish Hooks" had an entire episode dedicated to one of the characters having an obsession with a pony. While there wasn't anything directly Friendship is Magic, it's pretty obvious where the idea came from. The trailer for that episode can be found below the break.
Shirts and hoodies! Ponify the world. We Love Fine has added a bunch of new stuff over in their pony section. Go check it out over here. -
Author: Obselescence
Description: Princess Celestia has been keeping a dark secret from her subjects for a very long time.
More Than You Know
It's not an easy truth to tell, but if anyone can accept her after learning it, it will surely be her most faithful student.
Additional Tags: Forget All Your Troubles Nowop 10:00 AM
Labels: Author: Obselescence, Celestia, Complete, Dark, Fanfiction, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle
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