Equestrivia Challenge on Hubworld has been updated for Nightmare Night. A "Spooky Things" category has been added, including questions about Discord, Nightmare Night, Sombra, and other dark or Halloween Themed things. Head on over here to play it!
Thanks to Candygram for the heads up.Share This!59 Comments
Author: Chaotic Dreams
Description: Cyberpunk meets MLP.
Obsolescence (New Part 3!)
In a world where cybernetics and genetic engineering, computerized dark magic and reality-altering conspiracies have long since displaced sunshine and rainbows, can one little pony hold onto her own life—and her own existence?
Additional Tags: Cyberpunk, Dark, Technology, Future, Identityop 8:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Chaotic Dreams, Dark, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Sci-Fi, Star-Needed, Story -
The Hub is running another contest for a chance to win Toys R' Us Giftcards and a 4 pack of those posters from last year. All you need to do is toss your name and email address into their website over here, and hope for the best.
Thanks to Leah and everyone else for the heads up! -
This was the big one. This was the gateway drug episode, the one consistently pointed at by nearly every early fan when a curious passer-by finally gave in and asked which of these dumb pony episodes should they actually watch. It solidified M.A. Larson's reputation for high-quality episodes, brought us to Cloudsdale, and showed how good the show could be when everyone on the team hit just the right note at the right time.
Rarity also magically turned into an alicorn, so I don't know what all the fuss about Twilight was about.
Like Suited for Success had been Rarity's character-defining episode, this was Rainbow Dash's expository tale. It turned a typically strong-headed and brash character and turned all that against them by showing us her true core, her true apprehensions, and turned her into a more fleshed out character by the end. There have been more analysis of this episode than I care to count, not to mention music videos, stories inspired by the events portrayed, and inclusions into viewing parties since it aired. When pressed, a large number people would tell you that this was the best episode of season one.
After the break, catch Rarity Turns Into An Alicorn.
Charlotte Fullerton, writer of episodes like Suited for Success and Look Before You Sleep, is running another Twitter AMA Today at 8:30 PM PST. If you want to ask about pony or any other show she has worked on or currently works on, hit the event up over here! -
Angry Celestia! Grr Grrr Bark neiiiigh. Or whatever she does when angry.
Get some art below!
[1] Source
Princess Celestia
[Slice of Life]
Author: CoolStoryBrony
Description: Rainbow Dash is determined to be the best flyer in the world when she leaves Ponyville behind to pursue her career as a Wonderbolt. After years of achievement and success, she has finally reached the top—and doesn't know where to go from there.
Additional Tags: Dash's full life feels emptyop 1:00 PM
Labels: Applejack, Author: CoolStoryBrony, Complete, Fanfiction, Normal, Rainbow Dash, Star-Needed, Story -
Author: darf
Description: Braeburn comes to terms with who he is. The ponies he cares about do the same, though some of them with more ease than others.
Same Love
Additional Tags: It's all the same love
op 10:00 AM
Labels: Applejack, Author: darf, Braeburn, Complete, Fanfiction, Not-Fanfiction, Sad, Star-Needed, Story
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