Nightly Roundup #763
by Calpain
Calpony doesn't look half bad with a sweater on under his coat. And yeah, he is totally a nerd.
Sorry for missing last night folks. It has been an interesting week or so with all sorts of stress and adjusting to a new depression medication. Wee! Thanks for hanging in there with me, now time for some news.
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Author: Cloudy Skies
Description: If you ask Applejack, she’ll tell you Pinkie Pie can be a few apples short of a bushel even on the best of days. They’ve always been good friends, but nothing more than that. After all, what could a hard-working apple farmer and a sugar-crazed party pony possibly have in common?
Taken for Granite
As it turns out, the answer to that question may not be a pleasant one, but something good may yet come of it.
Additional Tags: Apples And Pies In Plural
op 9:00 PM
Labels: Applejack, Author: Cloudy Skies, Complete, Fanfiction, Pinkie Pie, Shipping, Star-Needed, Story -
I listened to this song a bunch back when it came out, and once again realize how much I suck at interpreting lyrics. I'm surprised at how dark this pmv is! Everyone from Doctor Whooves to the mane 6 get some sad friendship treatment here. It's definitely worth the watch! Check it out below the break.
This is the second in hopefully a long line of Cosplay compilations here. I've taken your feedback from the first into account, and added a bit more variety in this one. There really isn't a whole lot to choose from though, at least with the summer ending (and with it, convention season).
Anyway, head on down below the break for loads of cosplay!
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Spitfire and Soarin
I don't usually do the humanized thing, but when I do, I prefer Lyra and Bon Bon
Have some art.
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Pony commission : BonBon and Lyra
This is genre we seriously we almost never see. We are pretty damn late in getting it up Hardknocks up. I blame the lack of people submitting it! Slackers...
And in slot number two, we have a song that made a bunch of people think M_Pallente was qutting pony music. Luckily that isn't the case, but go celebrate endings below regardless!
1.) Hard Knocks (Sherclop Pones + Alex Cole) ft. Cats Milly
2.) Goodbye and Thank You
Japanese ponies starts in 30 minutes (7:30 AM Japan time, 3:30 PM Paficif), but we have an extra bit here for those curious about the Japanese pony audience, and friends of said audience. A bunch of "Japonies" as they call themselves over there have released a bronies react style video. Get that one below the break as well as the usual player for today's episode.
We also have a few songs and episodes for those that want to catch up:
Cupcake Song
Season 1 Opening Theme 2
Cutie Mark Crusaders
Hush Now Lullaby
Cele is about to get some backstory love, and a lot of you seemed to like the three page iTunes preview from few days ago. Have four more to go with it! Newsrama's exclusive list can be found over here. Expect Celestia to hit stores on the 13th of this month.
Thanks to Masem and Kein for the heads up. -
Prepare to be envious once again. I know every time I make one of these I want half the stuff added to it for my personal pony collection.
I'm noticing an increase in socks. This pleases me.
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It looks like we have yet another line of plushies popping up. They appear to have the same style as the Funrise ones, though the box makes it a bit difficult to tell. The submitter - Maggie - noted that they go by the name "Twinkle Star Lights". If you are near a Toys R' Us, that's the only place we have seen reports about these as of now. Happy hunting!
It sounds like some images on the site are derpin lately, which appears to be a known issue on our image hosters forum. I'll include some alternate links below if these explode.
Anyway, have some comics!
Alternate Links:
My Life As a Princess / BOOK / Cadances's First Report / Unicorn Horn -
Startlingly relevant, wouldn't you say? Also, I fear for Kirby's ability to return to Dreamland or... wherever he is these days. Little balls of fluff are difficult to keep up with! I guess he'll have to stay here and look at all of these 237 magnificent ponies, sparking hot with destiny! Can't you see them, shining brightly in the night sky? I can. It's blotting out the stars. Ha, see what I did there? Transitions! Our grand event total has climbed up to a magnificent 8703 images! The march toward ten thousand continues. We can do it, everyone! Keep it up!
This is always one of my favorite weeks of the event, because the limiters kind of come off and a great many people in the event have had a lot of the bells and whistles knocked off of them, tiredly but doggedly pursuing higher totals for themselves and noticing that, hey, they're actually doing really well for themselves! Now I can recognize huge amounts of names and see all of the progress you've been making. Now I get to see the stars light up and destinies unfold in front of me. But those stories are for later campfires! Let's tighten our belts and keep moving forward. It's only a little longer, you can do it!
Along the lines of everything I was just saying, our gallery tonight is overflowing with the weight of destiny and also so many, many, many calendar puns. And some fruits, too. There was a lot of fun variety tonight, ranging from first dates and shipping stories to cutie mark stories or tales of grand adventure. All of them are wonderful in their own ways. So open the doors and step down the road. I think you'll like what you see.
We've hit the final stages of the event, and it's starting to get tough. The schools have all started back up, jobs are transitioning into new quarters or continuing on the usual pace and making it harder and harder to keep up a recreational activity like that. We're in that funny little transitional zone where it's time to pack up all of our vacation activities and put noses to grindstones. But I say thee neigh! Let's have one last day dedicated to vacationing! Tonight, Draw a pony at the beach/Draw a pony surfing. Submit all entries here by 11:59 PM, Pacific time on Monday, September 9. Watch out for Sharknadoes!
...And also my sincere apologies to all you southern hemisphere dwellers moving into spring instead of fall. I don't mean to ignore the conditions of your life with my wording, I just live in the United States is all. :(
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