Nightly Roundup #753
by Calpain
AJ is simply tickled pink by how much love you all were showing her last night, heck no other header suggestion came close! Good on her! She is my favorite after Twilight of course. Can't wait to see what new episodes she and the others will be in starting in just a couple months. Can you believe we are down to the final stretch guys? We've almost survived another drought, just hang in there a little longer!
While we wait, how about some news to tide us over for tonight? Check it after the break.
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[Slice of Life]
Author: Maphysto
Description: When Rarity and Rainbow Dash discover that they disagree on a point close to their hearts, they decide to settle their differences the only way two mature mares can: by forcing each other to embarrass themselves.
Don't Knock It Till You Try It
Additional Tags: Rainbow and Rarity do dares
We have some Rainbow Dash / Twilight Sparkle shipping for those that are still into that in the first slot, followed by another Twilight Reads a Fanfic in the second, and a Judge Dredd trailer/animation in the last. Get them all below!
1.) The Island[TwiDash PMV]
2.) MLP fim: Twilight Writes a Fanfic 6 - FULL- (Hit this link for the entire thing, ContentID picked it up)
3.) MLP fim: Twilight Writes a Fanfic 7 (Same deal, hit this link)
4.) One Must Fall
I actually know someone who hates Fluttershy. It continues to boggle my mind.
Onward to art!
[1] Source
Madefire has uploaded a preview of the first issue of their motion comics to Deviant Art. These were announced a while back via a video, but this will be the first time we can actually interact with one. Head on over here to check it out! Thanks to Masem and Christopher for the heads up.
Author: Fedora Mask
Description: Twilight Sparkle loves being a librarian. She gets to spend all day surrounded by her favorite things in the world—books—and best of all, nopony ruins it by trying to talk to her (or at least if they do, they have to be quiet about it). The only problem? Nopony in town actually uses the library, and her new boss is NOT happy about that.
Twilight Sparkle vs The Equestrian Library Association (New Part 2!)
Now, to keep her job, Twilight will have to face her most horrifying challenge yet, one that will push her very sanity to the breaking point. No, not the Cosmic Horror stirring in the dreamvoid between universes. Worse.
Library Patrons.
Additional Tags: Library work may cause insanityop 1:00 PM
Labels: Author: Fedora Mask, comedy, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Spike, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Short Animation: Lyra and Bonbon Issue #5+6 / New Friendship Episode #2 / A Short Story About a Dragon
by Sethisto
We have two more Lyra and Bonbon shorts, followed by a second episode of that Latin American animation (click the closed caption button Youtube for subtitles), and finish with something... odd... I'm not even sure what to think there. It reminds me of those creepy videos of the same style floating around Youtube.
Anyway, click for full, comic style!
Celestia had been waiting a good 700 years just for this moment. The best payoffs are the ones you set up and get to savor a while beforehand. But... ah, the curtains rise! All Equestria Daily's a stage, and blogponies merely players, and one Phoe in her time introduces many arts. Like, say, 297 thespian mares and stallions, with another 197 latecomers and catchups rounding out the herd tonight! The grand total now stands at... drum roll please... 5503 images! Bravo!
And with the spotlights shining down, this marks the close of our first makeup gallery. Check out the results here! I hope it was helpful to you! Remember, if you've not participated up till now, there's no need to wait for the next one. Just dive right in and get started, it's better to do it now than just sit there waiting! Remember that if you have any confusions or comments or questions, I'm easy to reach at [email protected]. I've got a pretty good track record for responding quickly this year, ask around! Ah, but now...
This royal throne of princesses, this sceptered isle,
This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
This other Eden, demi-paradise,
This fortress built by Artists for themselves
Against infection and the hand of doubt,
This happy breed of mares, this little world,
This precious stone set in the silver sea,
Which serves it in the office of a wall
Or as a moat defensive to a house,
Against the envy of less happier lands,
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this Gallery!
Er... ahem. Sorry about that, I'm not sure what came over me. Well then, I have been rantier than usual, so let's not mince words and simply roll out the next theme! Today, Draw a pony transforming/Draw a pony in disguise! Submit all entries here by 11:59 PM, Pacific time on Wednesday, August 28. Also, don't be shy about submitting it a teensy bit late, we still take them for a few hours after before closing up shop. Exeunt, pursued by a bear.
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