The Pinkie Pie's Botoque line of toys looks to be including Equestria Girls dolls now. This one was found at the Hasbro booth at FanExpo. The sign below it appears to read "Available in November", but I could be completely wrong knowing the randomness of the botique line so far.
Thanks to Sonicrainboomx for the heads up! -
A group on Youtube called Friendship is Card Games has uploaded three videos. The first is an explanation on how to play the new MLP CCG (or at least the beta version). The other two videos show off games in their entirety, so you can see how it works firsthand. Head on down below the break to check them all out!
And if you want print out some proxies to play with, you can find the beta sets over here in scanned form.
We have had quite a few little news articles pop up recently dedicated to the pony phenomenon, along with a Cosplay thing on SyFy a while back. Most of these are convention focused, probably due to everyone being completely amazed that this stuff is going down. Have a list, as well as links:
Thanks to Rihner for sending the PDF!
I remember a joke roundup someone made a while back that poked fun at the future and how many of these we would see. Looks like it came true! -
Author: Gweat and Powaful Twixie
Description: “Some fall in love to complete themselves, like a puzzle. Maybe I’m the same way, but I don’t think I am. I think I fell in love because I was broken, and I needed someone to put me back together”—Fluttershy in her last letter to Applejack.
Part of a series found on the Fimfiction page
Additional Tags: Friends reconnected through their lettersop 16:00
Sildid: Author: Gweat and Powaful Twixie, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Sad, Shipping, Star-Needed, Story -
Apples apples apples. Apples apples. Apples apples apples apples apples apples apples.
Apples apples apples.
[1] Source
MLP - The Apple Family
It's national adopt a pet day in Equestria, and each of the mane six needs a new critter to take care of. There is a catch though; as the Elements of Harmony, Celestia has commanded that they each pick an animal that fits their personality type, or their "spirit animal" if you will.
So grab the mane 6 and two extra ponies of your choice, and assign them an animal that represents them! Want a pet manticore for Daring Do? Go for it. A clone of Twilight for Twilight? Kinda creepy, but feel free!
Hit those comments up. -
Wallpaper compilations finally hit 100, and iReever made us this header in celebration. Hopefully your rotators can handle all of these. I'm surprised it took so long all things considered!
We have 36 in this one. Get them all below.
[1] Source
EquestriaDaily 100th Wallpaper Compilation
Author: The Descendant
Description: Cup Cake knows what the pegasus mare is doing. She can see the way the filly is swaying her flawless body around Sugar Cube Corner. She can hear the flirty tones in the perfect voice as the mare sings her siren song to Carrot...
The Father of My Children
Additional Tags: Loving promises versus animalistic drives. -
This fandom has built me an orchestral playlist. I don't use it often, as someone who usually prefers the electronic, but it's amazing for cracking open a good book when I'm bored.
Have two of those to start us off, and a remix of Rain in the 3rd slot. All below!
1.) Catch The Wind
2.) Journey's End - Perfect Harmony (Album Release)
3.) JayB & Giggly Maria - Rain (PonyFireStone Remix)
We're officially to the one third complete mark of the Newbie Artist Training Grounds, which means among other things that it's time to open our first Makeup Gallery! If you missed a day, or had an extra idea for any of our closed themes, this is your chance to send them in and let yourselves be counted! If you're a latecomer to the event this is also a great opportunity to get your kicks in on the early stuff, but please don't burn yourself out playing catch up. This gallery will stay open until 11:59 PM on Tuesday, August 27, so get those in while you can!So, I realize that the numbers look like they're shrinking as we've gone on, and they are, but I don't want anybody getting discouraged about that. Participation in every day is voluntary, and if there's too much going on one day or if you're tired, sometimes it's best if you take a break. But what I do ask is that you please don't give up, because a great many of you are already showing signs of improvement. It's a long road to walk, but the further down it you travel the greater the rewards! So take a look at tonight's gallery, take a deep breath, and make me proud tomorrow. Not just me. Hold your heads up high!For tonight's theme, I really want you to dig in and be creative. The vast tapestry of history and your imagination stands in front of you: what will you pull from it? Tonight is about telling stories. So tonight, Draw a pony from a legend/Draw a pony with a story. I know this is going to provoke questions, and yes, "legend" does not just mean something very old. Take your inspiration from any source that resonates with you, and bring your ponies up to meet it. Tell a story, show us your favorite things. Submit all entries here. You have until 11:59 PM, Pacific time on Sunday, August 25. I'll be waiting...
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