Nightly Roundup #743
by Calpain
At times we sink down to the lowest level of our psyche, crushed by not a barrage of feelings or emotions, but by a crippling emptiness that makes time blur and life abstract. It's odd what can trigger this emptiness, be it a bad week or even a simple gesture, but it can all go spiraling out of control and can often get the better of us. Moments like this we need to find our center and find what light there is out there to fill the emptiness inside yourself so you can stand up, grit your teeth, and fight back against the blackness. The future is what we make of it so keep fighting no matter what! Never give up and never surrender!
I'm back after a brief tango with the devil and ready for more! So have some news guys, let's start this new week off with a blast!
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Seems like we just recently had an album post. Tons of these things are coming in lately. Have a list of musicians and titles:
Party in the Everfree - FraGmenTd
Imagined Equestria - Emkay
The Lesser Knowns Volume 4 - The LEsser Knowns
This Platform - Legion
Ride the Lightning EP - DJ Alez Android
Harmonic Discordance - Baschfire
Hoofdachest - Donglekumquat
Another rock post! These things just keep getting accepted lately!
We start with a new vocal one from FraGmenTd based on Rainbow Dash joining the Shadowbolts, followed by some soft/jazzy progressive rock in the second slot from LeafRunner and DerpyCrash. Get both tracks below!
1.) FraGmenTd - Corruption of Loyalty [MLP: FiM Fan Song]
2.) MezzaLuna - LeafRunner and DerpyCrash
Chrysalis has always made an awesome molded figure. Not only is she an intimidating desktop toy, but those of you that don't want people to know about your love of cartoon equines wouldn't have to worry about anything.
Anyway, onward to custom ponies! Get them all below the break.
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Queen Chrysalis
We have two new trailers for upcoming games this time around. The first being run by a group called Crystal Canvas,and focusing on an abstract strategy game style. The second is an atmospheric platformer starring Derpy, though not much else is explained in the description.
Head on down below the break to view both trailers.
This is an older one that I don't think we ever posted. For those of you that are fans of humanized ponies, there are dress-up games over at Cartoon Doll Emporium for each of them. Everything from striped socks to jeans and a shirt are available. Hit up the links below to go check them out!
Magical Friends
Magical Friends 2
Thanks to Nerdy_Aslin for the heads up.
I still can't believe they dressed Fluttershy up in bunny ears, a hoodie, mini socks, and goggles. Were they trying to kill someone? That was the best episode.
Have some art below the break!
And another reminder for any new people, always click the source link for the largest resolution, and fav/follow/comment while you are there!
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Dangerous mission again
This is apparently a joke from Gencon and the team behind Shadow Run (A pen and paper roleplaying game for those that don't follow that scene), or more specifically their Line Developer who isn't too fond of ponies, but lost a bet. Ridicuoulsness aside, would you play something like this? And for those that have never held a D20 in your lives, would a pony edition make you try it?
(Found on the Battletech forums) -
Radio Play: Tales of a Junk Town Pony Peddler(ep7) / Doctor Whooves Adventures:[Goodnight ep3]
by Sethisto
We have two new radio play episodes from Ponyinabox this time around, the first from their Tales of a Junk Town Pony Peddler, and the other from Doctor Whooves Adventures. Get both below!
1.) Tales of a Junk Town Pony Peddler(ep7): Light My Fire
2.) Doctor Whooves Adventures:[Goodnight ep3]Good Show Goodnight prt2
One of my favorite aspects of the Newbie Artist Training Grounds is getting to see all of the different ways people approach the prompts. We had some ponies singing karaoke, quite a few playing the game Journey, epic adventures galore, and a happy number just taking that first step. What's really magical about that is that even among artists who approached the prompt from similar angles, most everybody still contributed their own unique spins to the ideas. Don't take my word for it, step on in and see it for yourself!
We've had a little bit of confusion about deadlines these past few days, so let's see if we can tweak things to be a bit less ambiguous for tonight. Your entries for Day 3 are due in at 11:59 PM, Pacific Time on Sunday, August 18. That's 24 hours from the time of this post. We'll count late entries for a little while afterwards, but try to be on time. If you miss out, don't worry! There will be makeup galleries later in on the event. For today, submit your Day 3 entries here.
We've reached a major milestone, which marks this theme for celebration. Ponies aren't always known for fashion, but rise to the occasion! What costumes do we don, when asked to dress up? What do you pull out of the closet for a black tie affair? Your challenge for tonight: Draw a pony in costume/Draw a suited pony. Ready? Set? Art!
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