Nightly Roundup #738
by Calpain
Now I want some bacon... While I go and thaw some out for breakfast tomorrow have some news! We've got quite a bit tonight so dive right in.
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New WeLoveFine Designs!
by CalpainWeLoveFine has released a bunch of new stuff for you guys to stuff your pony collections with! Not only do they have a large array of canvas bags like the one above, but they have new T-shirt designs out as well. So pay a visit to the MLP page on WeLoveFine's site to check them out in their full glory! -
[Sad][Dark] EQD gettin all controversial up in here.
Author: LDSocrates
Description: Not quite a mare, but unhappy being a colt. It's a hard position for a young pony to be in. Would be easier if judgement weren't in every look, hate in every scowl. For Glitter Shell, even her friends and family aren't giving her the support she needs. So, she goes to find some in her personal hero.
All That Glitters
Additional Tags: Based on trans Snails AU.
op 9:00 PM
Labels: Author: LDSocrates, Complete, Dark, Fanfiction, Sad, Snails, Star-Needed, Story, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE -
A texture pack is in progress for that good ol' Super Mario 64 game I'm sure a boatload of you spent way too many hours on as kids. This one looks to only effect the world itself so far, with the actual monsters and mario himself remaining intact. Some of the wallpapers look a little funny with the repeated castles everywhere, but it's still a work in progress so I'm sure that stuff will be cleaned up as it gets going. Head on down below for a video showing it off!
BronyCAN Announces Claire Corlett
by Calpain
This was announced a little early last week which is our bad, but BronyCAN is now pleased to announce the attendance of Claire Corlett at this year's festivities. Check on after the break for their press release!
Plushie Compilation #123
by Calpain
Snowdrop must have left quite the impression on folks considering how many plushies of her I have seen as of late!
More plushie goodness after the break.
[1] Source
Snowdrop Plush
I freakin love Gravity Falls. If there was more stuff to post for it I'd totally get that mystery shack blog going again.
We have that, followed by some Cele/Luna, Trixie being a douchenoggin, and a multiparter that you will need to read this little blurb and hit the description of the comic for to continue. Click for full!
Short Flash: Tranquility's Embrace / Sweetie Belle Can... / BonBon n Lyra Issue #4 / Milk
by Sethisto
We have a few short animation/flash things this time around, primarily crossovers with Youtube stuff. There are always chances that you know what they are referencing though, so give them a shot by clicking for full!
I think it was Equestria Prevails that originally converted me to the Warrior Pony thing. Either that or PKX.
Anyway, have some art while I continue building my warrior pony collection!
[1] Source
Have at Thee II
Shout Factory has sent over a press release regarding their upcoming "A Pony for Every Season" DVD. The theme here is running one episode per pony, with six in total. Have a list for specifics:
- Wonderbolt Academy
- Look Before You Sleep.
- Apple Family Reunion
- Keep Calm and Flutter On
- Winter Wrap Up
- Too Many Pinkie Pies
The DVD itself will be releasing on November 19th, right before season 4 starts up. Head on down below the break if you want to check out the release in it's entirety.
And an update to the comment issue with older fics: Intense debate still hasn't gotten back to me. Hopefully those are fixed soon.
Onward to stories!
Author: Croswynd
Unmarked (New - 21 and Epilogue!)
Purpose. In Equestria, where purpose is defined by the mark on your flank, it is often taken for granted. Yet Novell has grown to adulthood without a single explanation of where he fits in. It’s not until a chance meeting with a particular Professor that he gets the opportunity to explore the world and find out exactly where he belongs. Of course, adventuring has a host of its own problems, as this blank flank is about to find out!
Additional Tags: Long, Adventure, Blankflank, Ancient Evil
Remember that ridiculously successful kickstarter from forever ago? The people behind it (Impact Miniatures) sent over a mini news update detailing their release. It looks like we will be seeing them first debut over at Gencon. An image of the toys can be found up above. I guess we can call this kickstarter a huge success!
You can find their webpage over here, though they aren't listing these at the moment. Have the official statement straight from their email:
Impact! Miniatures will be releasing a Chibi Pony Pack at Gen Con 2013. Stop by Impact! at booth 1720 as there will be a limited quantity of 40 of the Pony Pack sets for sale at the booth. 3 Unicorns and 3 Ponies (34mm to top of mane) with all the accessories to make the 6 figures in the image for only $30.
Expect these to go on sale next month for those of you that can't attend the convention. -
Another storyboard style animatic has popped up, this time dedicated to Friendship is Witchcraft's Gypsy Bard song. I hope this one ends up making it's way to the realm of full animation!
And because it came in at around the same time, have a bit of orchestral Gypsy to go with it. Get both below the break !
Vinyl Scratch has popped up, in what looks to be yet another in the tattooed pony lineup. It's actually looking like a really well done mold if her, even if the colors are a bit off. I'd assume a DJ Girl like her would have a new mane color pretty often regardless. The Ebay version has a few major blemishes, which points to it being a prototype, but you can find it over here.
Thanks to Trottinghamactor for the heads up. -
We are still waiting on more pages (If any) to invade the submit box, but this is a a good preview showing off what the Japanese manga is pulling off. The big takeaway from this? Japanese artists are the GODS OF CUTE.
More images below the break! Seriously Twilight is going to give me a heart attack I think.
(Update: Another page! Thanks Atticon for the scans and the good anons of /mlp/ with the Jabronies of Futaba for the translations!)
The MLP Facebook has released their update they announced yesterday. It's looking to be the new cover image above.
Judging on what Twilight Sparkle is studying, I think she found the internet. Run for the hills Twilight! don't Google yourse... ahh its too late.
Thanks to Scope for the heads up.
Update: An extra little tidbit of information: Apparently the background is from Fighting is Magic! -
Author: Squinty Mudmane
Description: When yet another unsuccessful attempt at getting Cutie Marks results in Apple Bloom having too much time on her hooves, she turns to books in the hope of hatching a plan that definitely cannot possibly fail. However, one book in particular—an inconspicuous little thing concerning old history and something called a "golem"—catches her attention and becomes the object for her boundless energy, much to her sister's concern.
A Head Full of Clay
Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo have their own problems to deal with, consisting of a fussy, overbearing older sister and an undeniably awesome yet slightly oblivious role model. On top of that, they soon have to contend with their best friend's zealous conviction that the answer to their troubles lies well beyond the safety of home.
Additional Tags: History, mistakes, secrets and siblinghood
op 10:00 AM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Squinty Mudmane, Complete, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Everypony, Fanfiction, OC Ponies, Story
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