Nightly Roundup #735
by Calpain
Yeah, random header I know, but I made a promise to someone some time ago I would use it and Cal keeps his promises. So here's to you Forrest! Sorry it took so long, heh.
Anyhow, onward to the news! Quite a lot of it tonight so let's dive right in, shall we?
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Author: Invictus
Description:A bullied runaway foal, faced with a decision that could change his life forever, runs into a pair of helpful salesponies.
Together, they'll teach him that, like life, a name is only what you make of it.
Additional Tags: Pipsqueak learns a valuable lesson.
op 8:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Invictus, Complete, Fanfiction, Flim and Flam, Pipsqueak, Star-Needed, Story -
A company specializing in putting wing shaped designs on shoes has some My Little Pony stuff on the way. Their Facebook page currently only shows off Rainbow Dash's cutie mark, but the message included mentions "New styles available everywhere soon".
Thanks to Vlad for the heads up! -
Comic: But I Don't Have a Brush! / A Touch fo Smashing / IMPLYRA / Turbo Wheely / I am an Astronaut
by Sethisto
We have Nightmare Moon being appealing to little girls, Octavia and Scratch living togeather, Lyra being Lyra, and two simple comics to finish it off. Click for full!
I hate clowns. I think that movie "IT" caused that. Do you know who can get away with it though? Fluttershy. She's an amazing clown. Maybe she will heal my anti-clownness over time.
Have some art while I go build a barricade out of explosive pies and honky red noses. They can't resist them I hear.
[1] Source
''Someone's in the Hat! Who Could it Be?''
Yesterday we mentioned a new set including Luna, and today, Toys R' Us has uploaded an image. Head on over here if you want to pre-order it! Ship date is still listed as the last day of the year, which probably means unknown.
Thanks to Melody for the heads up! -
Another neat little shoutout from our buddies at Google (thanks for hosting EQD btw guys!), If one searches "My Little Pony" on Youtube, one will be graced by prancing pixel ponies across the screen. I haven't tried any other searches yet, but there may be more if you dig for episodes or something.
Thanks to Jaroslav for the heads up! -
[Adventure][Comedy] "Blog readers, I'd ask you if you're man enough for this story, but odds are, you aren't. You should read it anyway." -Pre-reader who likes sky pirates
Author: Isseus
Description: "They've got your little brother."
Snowflake's Chance In Hell
Those are the words that begin Snowflake's testosterone-filled rampage through Equestria to the gates of Tartarus... and beyond. Only with his cousins, Cloudchaser and Flitter, do they have any chance of rescuing Featherweight from the forces of evil.
Additional Tags: Snowflake's Roaring Rampage Of Revenge
op 1:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Isseus, comedy, Fanfiction, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Other, Star-Needed, Story -
For those of you that haven't picked up one of those MIMOBOT flash drives yet, I mentioned way back when I reviewed them that they include some alternate versions of the earlier pony songs. Primarily including vocals from ponies that weren't involved to begin with (and different singers all together). Nightblader has uploaded them all to Youtube for your viewing pleasure, and amazingly enough we haven't ever posted these. Head on down below to check them all out! Included in the list:
Giggle at the Ghosties
Winter Wrap Up
You Gotta Share
At The Gala
I love the EQD submit box so much these past few days. An epic video for an epic song. We have seen a bunch of Gmod videos show this off, but nothing does it better than a good ol' animation/PMV hybrid, clocking in at 7:00 minutes at that! The only thing I can complain about here is a bit of static in the music, but that's forgivable. Check it out below!
(Update: Now with fixed audio!)
I remember when this song first popped up years ago. It was one of those glorious internet moments that I regret never being able to live through again. If you have no clue what this is based on, you can find it here!
We have a ponified version of Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny below the break. Go check it out!
Warning: There is a bit of mature humor in there near the end, so avoid it if you are offended by that stuff.
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