Yes, that is the actual title, and yes, this is completely ridiculous. After 11 months of work, a new game going by the name of "Super Lesbian Horse RPG" finally has a trailer. The official description:
Super Lesbian Horse RPG is a JRPG about My Little Pony characters being in love and going on fun adventures. It's being made almost entirely by me with help from my friends on my sound team and my friends who submitted enemy designs for the official Super Lesbian Horse RPG Enemy Design Contest. (Five of the six enemies in the trailer were designed by my friends!)
And as a side note, the game is supposed to be clean, but shippy.
Head on down below the break to check it out.
Over on the Xbox main page in the game section, there is a new primarily empty listing showing off the image above. I'm guessing it's a new download they plan on releasing tomorrow (according to the date). Specifics below:
- 7/23/2013
- meemo, LLC
- Xbox LIVE
- Other
- Dolby Digital
This kinda makes me want to go watch that movie again. I remember renting it constantly as a kid.
We have loads of art, possibly some doubles, though our compiler should have picked up most of those. It has been a while since I did one of these thanks to Comic Con! Hopefully you all enjoyed Calpain's art posts for a bit!
[0] Source
My Neighbor Celestia
It's that time again when big businesses all around the world start to release reports on how they did this past business quarter and Hasbro is no exception! We've got some interesting news from their quarterly release about their different divisions, particularly how well the girls section of the company is doing!
According to the official Hasbro release, quarterly and yearly revenue was down over last year, primarily due to a decline in sales from the boys division of the company due to the releases of major boy centric movies in 2012 not bolstering revenue this year.
Net Revenues ($ Millions) Q2 2013 Q2 2012 % Change Boys $253.7 $389.1 -35% Games $255.4 $214.8 +19% Girls $149.4 $104.2 +43% Preschool $107.8 $103.4 +4%
In the shorter more to the point press release by Hasbro, they make mention of strong growth in MLP as well as a number of other brands though also point out major new initiatives in Girls, Pre-School, and Games coming this winter. More details will be made available on Investor's Day on September 10th.
A small section on Equestria Girls has also been added explaining they have noted positive results from the film and how it has been added into more theaters while also mentioning its release in 20 countries and on DVD in August. Products for the movie will also start to appear more frequently on toy store shelves around the same time.
Finally, mentions of the success of MLP include quotes on it being highly rated worldwide and Hasbro acknowledges that investment in Hasbro Studios has been playing a great role in contributing to their brands success so I would expect funding to shows like MLP to at least remain constant or increase based on this information.
Well, it looks like ponies are still doing great so we can expect even more to come from the looks of it! Check below for links to the official Quarterly Reports source.
Quarterly Reports
Rarity sure is getting a lot of love lately. I can't wait to see her blow us all away in season four!
We have a song dedicated to her to start it off, followed by a bit of lesbian horse rock dedicated to Appledash. We haven't had that in a while have we?
Check them out below.
1.) Between the Lines (Rarity's Song) - Original Song by JoshSaysStuff
2.) For Too Long
Best Pony? The Hub Wants to Know!
by Calpain
As we approach the premiere of EqG on The Hub this fall, the network has started a little poll asking who is your favorite pony! We've seen how such polls go on EqD before so lets see if things have changed since the last time we've ran these choices past you guys!
The winner will be announced on September 1 at 10am ET so go vote now!
Hub Vote Page -
Lots of News From the Brony Thank You Fund
by Calpain
The cool ponies over at the Brony Thank You Fund have a load of announcements for you guys this morning! Everything from scholarship info, recruitment, raffles and more. So check out the whole press release after the break!
- Thank You Fund running sweepstakes at BronyCon- Exclusive Friends of the Fund Reception at BronyCon- Derpy Hooves Animation Scholarship crosses halfway point- Fund seeks treasurer
Diving With Style!
by Calpain
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