Nightly Roundup #716
by Calpain
Some Octavia as promised especially since I had some Vinyl up here not too long ago. It would be wonderful to hear her perform, no?
Lots of news stuff tonight so check it all out after the break!
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Animation: Fantasy Anime MLP
by Calpain
With MLP now in Japan, the number of Japanese themed fan works is starting to increase as a result. This little animation that has popped up that while silent, completely in Japanese, and appears to be heavily influenced by Gainax and hard to understand is certainly worth a look for the 'What did I just watch?' factor.
Check it out after the break!
[GODLIKE] Sometimes, incredibly epic things happen when Seth is away, and Cereal is out hunting with Phoe, and Calpain is trying to keep PK locked in the closet, and they just need to be shared with EQD. This is one of those things.
This fic literally shattered my inbox due to mass quantities of epic win, and I'm currently still picking up the pieces. Luckily, the other pre-readers were prepared, and they had some choice quotes to share after they had finished wiping their tears of joy. I'll let them speak for themselves.
"I laughed, I cried, I rocked back and forwards and begged my therapist for something stronger." - Pre-reader Late-night Darkness
"Where do I hand in my resignation?" - The Batpony
"my tonsils huuurt :(" - Pre-reader Puppy
"Le." - Pre-reader [derp]
Author: NTSTS
Description: Rainbow Dash is the most epically winning pony there is. She wins so much, she had three epic wins before she even woke up. And with her best friend le Pinkie Pie, how could she ever possibly stop winning...epically?
Twilight thinks she knows how, and the answer isn't a good one... will she be able to help Rainbow Dash before her epic wins become an epic... fail?
The Incredibly Epic Wins of (le) (epic) Winbow Dash
Additional Tags: Le, Epic, Win, Epically, Winning, #winning, #leop 19:00
Sildid: Author: NTSTS, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, GODLIKE, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Random, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Drawfriend Stuff #869
by Calpain
Even the most busy adventurer needs to take some time to rest their eyes, you know?
Time for some pics guys, check them after the break!
[1] Source
Applejack finished off the mane 6 series of mini-comics about a week ago (July 11th), so I think you have all had a good amount of time to peruse it. If not, have some links and variant covers, and feel free to discuss it below the break!
Physical (In order of images on this page)
Cover A
Cover B
Retail Incentive
Double Midnight
Jetpack Comics
Newbury Comics
Larrys Comics
Happy Birthday Andrea Libman!
by Calpain
Today is Pinkie and Fluttershy's favorite day because it's Andrea Libman's birthday! Thanks to everyone for sending in their artwork to be displayed today and make sure to visit Andrea's page to wish her a happy birthday!
Andrea's Twitter
[1] Source
Happy Birthday Andrea!
BronyCAN Announces Andrew Francis
by Calpain
Everyone's favorite white stallion is on his way this year to BronyCAN! Having met Andrew at both Canterlot Gardens and Everfree I can say it's well worth heading to BronyCAN just to see him if you haven't had the chance yet. Check on after the break for the full release!
Over on the Nvidia facebook page, they tossed this up with the blurb:
"This is just one of the many ways we prank at NVIDIA. What's your best office prank? #nvidiagaming"
This almost makes me want to run a prank event here on EQD. Who all would be up for that? -
For those that are still grinding away at the Gameloft game, Vinyl Scratch has been added to the roster with her sparkly features matching the Comic Con exclusive version. She clocks in at a whopping 120 gems though, so hopefully you have saved up!
Thanks to everyone for the heads up, and Scope for the image. -
The two sided variant for the upcoming MLP #10 comic has been revealed. Hopefully Celestia gets some love this time around! The poor princess has less of a backstory than most of the ponies on the show.
You can pick this one up over here. -
Toys R' Us has listed up both talking Nightmare Moon ($23)and Shadowbolts Rainbow dash ($10) for purchase over on their website. If you missed Nightmare's lines and were curious before you bolted out to buy one, find them here!
Thanks to everyone that sent it in! -
Feeling down that you can't make it to conventions and miss out on exclusives like the foil Vinyl Scratch card? Well, now is your chance to score on of these beauties for yourself as well as an awesome poster! Enterplay is giving people who missed out on the foil card a second chance to get their hands on one for the low price of $16 (with standard shipping included). Check the link below to head to the store and purchase yours today!
Store Page -
More Seeds of Kindness Updates! I'll let their message explain it:
This year’s BronyCon and GalaCon are only weeks away, and so is this year’s Seeds of Kindness fundraiser and the release of the associated charity album! Today we are announcing the final charity lineup for the launch of Seeds of Kindness 3.
(Continued below)
BronyDays Announcements!
by Calpain
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