Nightly Roundup #709
by Calpain
I heard some calls for AJ so how about AJ being bad ass and taking on the greatest Timber Wolf in existence? With trusty Spike at her side of course.
Sorry I disappeared last night, was fighting the con crud but I seem to be winning at least! Yay! Anyhow, on to the news my friends.
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MLP October Comic Solicitations - Issue #12, Equestria Girls Stuff, and Micro Series 1-6 Compilation
by Sethisto
A couple more comics have been announced in the October solicitations. Included this time around, we have a bit of info on the 12th comic in the primary series, a giant compilation book of all six micro series comics, as well as the My Little Pony 2013 Annual. Head on down below the break for all of these to avoid those usual spoilers. Thanks to Masem and Bleeding Cool for the heads up!
And as a small addition, the SDCC exclusive Sunset Shimmer story will be included in the MLP 2013 Annual listed below for those that want a piece of that.
[Slice of Life]
Author: Scott 'Inquisitor' Mence
Description: Nopony knows the changes that time will bring. Neither Twilight nor Sweetie Belle could have guessed that their trials would have brought them so tightly together, and now, the inevitability of time draws closer to separating them again. But as the two ponies share what little time is left, Princess Celestia drops in for a final lesson that will change everything.
Additional Tags: Some friendships will last forever
op 8:00 PM
Labels: Author: Scott 'Inquisitor' Mence, Celestia, Complete, Fanfiction, Luna, Normal, Star-Needed, Story, Sweetie Belle, Twilight Sparkle -
Before you all freak out about me posting dying ponies, go get some context.
Alright, got it? Now go find the ponified version below the break!
As many of you have probably noticed by now if the Toy Faire and other posts were any indication, the German company, Nici, has some pony merch on the way. Their recent web article had a whole page of the stuff up (image above, or check it out here). A basic list/translation as provided by the submitter Lachtnicht:
36215-17 key chains
36218-20 plushies
36230,31 pillow, square
36232 handbag, plush
36233 pencil case, rollable
36234 neck pouch, plush
36235 coloring book
36237 notepad with stickers
36238 savings box
Expect these some time around September.
And in other news for those over in Germany, your Pinkie and Dash are hitting Build-A-Bear on July 13. Find those here! -
Looks like the big one finally dropped their schedule. I wonder how many are going to Bronycon this year?
Anwyay, have some headlines:
BronyCon Releases Full Schedule and Additional Thursday Activities!
Midwest Bronyfest - KC Updates
DerpyCon South Kickstarter
DerpyCon South Announces Extension for Singopation
And full press releases below the break!
We haven't had a groups hot header in a while. It can't be easy to draw all those ponies.
Onward to art! Have a bunch of it below the break.
[1] Source
Shiny, Happy, Candy-colored Heroes
Due to an issue with their convention venue, Sweet Apple Acres Con has been postponed until a future un-announced date. Consdering this is a day away, it might be a good idea to take a look at the recent update if you planned on going:
We regret to announce that after our irreconcilable contractual difficulties with the Holiday Inn Vanderbilt’s , we have been unable to find a new venue for Sweet Apple Acres. The con will not be occurring this weekend, but there are still plenty of fun events slated to take place over the next three days so come on down and join the pony party! We’d like to extend our thanks to the Nashville Bronies, who are busy getting all the details of the events in place, and to the Traveling Pony Museum staff, who are on their way down to Nashville at this very moment. If you’re interested in a refund, please request one via Eventbrite or email [email protected]. Please be patient – we’re doing our best to answer these requests quickly, but the process takes some time.
Good luck! Hopefully everything turns out alright in the end.
We’ll be getting more information about the going-ons in the next few hours, so keep an eye on our Facebook, Twitter, and website for the latest updates. Hope to see you all this weekend!
Vinyl Bricks you say? That's a new one! For all you collectors out there, it looks like Comic Con has even more pony merch for you all to chase after or hit eBay for. A company named Huckleberry is releasing these tot he masses. On top of that, each of these actually comes with multiple versions according to the press doc that was sent over to us. Prices and packaged images can be found below the break.
Update: These will only be available at Comic Con, though there may be iPhone and Galaxy covers in the near future with similiar designs.
Time for more of that random merch stuff. These fridge magnets were found at Books a Million by Jonathan I've never heard of the store out here, but maybe some of you live near one!
Is that the first Future Twilight merch out there? I actually didn't even notice it at first. I need to pick that one up if it ever heads to any other stores.
Head on down below the break for a whole bunch of other stuff!
We have two tracks for you all today in this glorious little compilation of vocal music, starting with a new one from Joaftheloaf with a bit of soft acoustic guitar, followed by some electronic autotuney stuff from Synthis for those on the other side of the music fence. Check both out below the break!
1.) Saying Goodbye - By Joaftheloaf (Album Teaser)
2.) Synthis - Broken Wings
Author: Starman Ghost
Description: Pincer is a changeling, a proud soldier of Queen Chrysalis. After the failed invasion of Canterlot, he finds himself trapped and at the mercy of Princess Celestia's Royal Guard. Believing that Celestia sees his species as nothing but soulless monsters, he prepares himself for the worst. The weeks crawl by, marked by an endless series of questions he will not answer for fear of endangering his friends and family at The Hive. As his nerves wear down and his interrogators learn just how ruthless he thinks they are, they have nothing to report but his belief that they will kill and destroy his kind without mercy.
Body And Mind (New Part 14!)
Celestia steps in to prove him wrong, and what he learns leaves Pincer questioning everything he has ever known - but also gives him hope for what he'd never thought possible.
Additional Tags: Changeling gets captured, rethinks beliefs
op 11:00 AM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Starman Ghost, Cadance, Celestia, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
You may or may not have given Legends of Equestria's open alpha weekend a shot a few days ago, and as far as fan MMO's are concerned, it's pretty impressive what they have come up with so far.
They are in need of some assistance to take it to the next level though. Head on down below the break for a full press release on what exactly they are looking for!
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