Nightly Roundup #678
by Calpain
Time for some Daring Do tonight because I am feeling dangerous and unpredictable (Read: I have a headache I think is giving me brain damage). Anyhow, on to the Roundup which I have carefully typed up by rolling my aching head across it.
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Fallout: Equestria is a big, expansive and inclusive universe that has spawned a whole plethora of side-stories, the newest and freshly updated editions of which are listed below.This post only features New or Updated stories from Wednesday, May 1st, 2013 through Wednesday, June 5th, 2013 for a total of 98 stories (25 of which are new) and 200 new chapters - but fear not, should you be searching for old favourites, you can find them:
- The Official Fallout: Equestria Resource Site
- In the old Equestria Daily Compilation post
- In the Official Fallout: Equestria Side Stories Compilation Document
- Story and media updates of Twitter
- Fallout: Equestria Group on Fimfiction
Check them all out after the break. -
Have 30 bucks laying around and want to replace it with a ridiculously cute 3D Printed Derpy? Hashbrony has completed his model and uploaded it over on Shapeways. Head on over here if you want to pick one up!
Bobby Curnow, one of the editors working at IDW, tossed a little teaser up on their discussion boards about the 11th and 12th issues of the MLP comic main series:
Expect a big dose of Cadence/Shining Armor in MLP #11 & 12!
It sounds like we are either going to see a bunch of Crystal Empire focused stuff, or something about the two of them in particular.
Expect to see those later in the year!
Thanks to Candygram for the heads up. -
Reddit AMA for Nicole Gauss
by Calpain
Recently we've been made aware by the BronyCAN staff that one of their guests, Nicole Gauss, is going to hold an AMA on Reddit this evening! Nicole was a character designer for season 1 of MLP and is looking forward to answering your questions. Check below for all the details you need.
Hey all,
Just want to let you know that some of us Saskatchewan, Canada bronies are setting up a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) for Nicole Gauss. Nicole was a character designer on season 1 of MLP:FiM and is also a character designer on Littlest Pet Shop; she will also be attending BronyCAN, her first MLP convention!
The AMA will be held tomorrow, Wednesday June 5th 2013 at 7 PM Saskatchewan Time (6 PM Pacific, 9 PM Eastern). The thread will be made here:
More on Nicole Gauss:
Andrea Libman has hopped on Reddit and proposed an idea to the masses of pony fans for a bit of cancer curing charity. As many of you probably already know if you follow her Twitter, or even past EQD posts, she will be participating in the 2 day Ride to Conquer Cancer event this year. So far, her team has raised over $17,000, but they could still use your help.
Every donation of $50 or more (until June 14th) will result a personalized autograph saying thanks. In addition to that, they will be hosting auctions over on Ebay.
Here are the team members that still haven't hit their donation quota:
And as stated in her letter to Reddit, be sure to include your address in the note section of your donation.
If you want it straight from the pony's mouth, head on over here! -
Another new set has popped up on the wild world of the internet from the Toy Faire a few months ago. It looks like we will be seeing the brand new Fluttershy model join a Manticore, Nightmare Moon, and Steven Magnet in the new "Elements of Harmony Friends" set. Hopefully they are available in mass soon!
Thanks to Marguerite for the heads up.
We start this one off with something we don't usually see here in the pony world. A quartet of musicians teamed up and played a bit of This Day Aria.
And if that doesn't do it for you, have another epic orchestral and some ambient! All below the break.
1.) This Day Aria - Quartet Cover
2.) Resonantwaves - Constellations
3.) Radiarc - The Beginning (Preview)
Author: Swashbucklist
Description: The four most powerful villains in Equestria gather for a weekly conference with the intent of discussing the validity and merits of their evil plans. But it's more likely they'll just sit around bickering and judging each other. Whatever the case, each one of them has more than a few things to say.
Villaintine's Day
Additional Tags: Princess Luna emcees villain conference.op 3:00 PM
Labels: Author: Swashbucklist, Chrysalis, Complete, Discord, Fanfiction, King Sombra, Luna, Random, Story -
USA Today has released an image of this year's Comic Con exclusive pony. It looks like Vinyl Scratch will be dominating the floor. She will clock in at 50 bucks, so be prepared to drop a bit of money to pick her up. I can only imagine what that is going to do for the ebay sales. Have a quote from the article:
A fan favorite who first appeared in the first season of Friendship is Magic, DJ Pon-3 ($49.99) makes her debut with a Comic-Con exclusive — and a shiny one at that. In addition to a musical note as her "cutie mark," her sunglasses and unicorn horn are embellished with Swarovski crystal elements that tie into the year's theme of the Crystal Empire.
Even DJ Pon-3's special packaging lights up, says Hasbro's Donna Tobin, senior vice president, global brand marketing for My Little Pony. "Everything about her offering really enhances her character."
In the cartoon, "she had a little throwback to the '80s — she put a needle on an actual vinyl record," Tobin adds. "A younger girl might not have picked that up but our older fans picked it up immediately and loved it. And we love that about her, too."
Thanks to iStricer for the heads up!
I honestly don't know what the crossover is here, but it's pretty epic.
Onward to art!
[1] Source
Of Monsters and Mares
We have a couple of Ponies in the News stuff this time around. First off, the WTVY's collecting of people recording themselves talking about ponies has been completed. If you want more information on what exactly that was, check the earlier post out. Or just dive right in.
And up in Canada, CBC News did a short segment on the pony phenomenon. Head on down below the break for the embed of that!
A bunch of variants have been revealed over at Jetpack Comics for both they and Larry's. Included this time around is the Applejack #6 micro, Pinkie Pie #5 micro, and Cheerilee #9. They continue to run with a folktail theme for the micros and superheroes for the primary. You can find all of these over here!
And Trixie is best witch.
Thanks to 621Chopsuey for the heads up!
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