Nightly Roundup #676
by Calpain
We now return to unique characters for the Roundup, starting with Chickadee also known as Ms. Peachbottom. Also, since I love the Windwaker style I just couldn't resist using this pic of her.
On to the news!
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The next round of Kiki charity auctions has begun! If you want some signed pony swag for a good cause, head on over to their auction page to pick them up! -
We have another rendition of 3D ponies for you all to ponder at. Chritsel on Deviant has given his rendition on what they would look like with an extra dimension. So far, I think I'm torn between these and Hashbro. Now we need someone to rig these up for a pony game. Check the carousel out here!
Pic unrelated but awesome.
Head on over here if you want a full press release! -
Take Rainbow Dash, then multiply her colors by 20. That's what this image is. Colors everywhere!
Onward to art!
[7] Source
Rainbow Dash
The Queen of Parties is back with some more MLP staff birthdays that are coming up this month! First up this month is song writer Daniel Ingram's birthday on June 13 while MLP writer Amy Keating Rogers has her birthday a short time later on June 17. As always, lets do our best to make their birthdays grand!
Both of our birthday stars have OCs, so you guys know what to do! You can find a sample of Daniel's OC here and a sample of Amy Keating Rogers OC here. Send your finished artwork to submit@equestriadaily.com with MLP:Birthdays Daniel/Amy in the title so we can file it correctly. Have fun guys! -
For those of you that had that Wonderbolts song from dBPony and Prince Whatever on repeat for a week, a typography has been created to help celebrate it. Check that out in the first slot!
And in slot #2, we have normal PMV, with some pretty impressive lip syncing for a good part of it. Find them both out below!
1.) Wonderbolt Typography
2.) Twi and AJ At The Thrift Shop
Comic: The Daring Do Museum / Ponies at the Beach / What Do you mean not CUTE? / Terrifying Presence
by Sethisto
Daring Do, and simple animated comic, Fluttershy's new pet, and some Fallout. It's comic time! click for full!
Another set of those awesome molded ponies has popped up. The "Cake Family Babysitting Fun" collection includes both Mr. and Mrs Cake, Nurse Redheart, the Cake twins, and another Pinkie Pie. Why would you need another Pinkie Pie? You figure it out. Chances are we will see a few more of these pop up, so keep an eye out!
Thanks to Present Perfect for the heads up! -
As BUCK draws closer and closer the ponies heading up this wild convention are making sure it's as fun as they can possibly make it! With a slew of new community guests as well as wave 2 of their tickets going on sale now is a good time to nab your ticket while you can. Check out the full press release after the break!
Some douchenozzle filly broke Derpy's toy. Are you going to settle for this?! I for one am not! Go watch the animation below the break and join me in outrage!
Seriously though, this is a whopping two and a half minutes long and really well done, so check it out. You know I wouldn't bother with 1 AM if it wasn't worth watching immediately!
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