The support for AJ last night was rather overwhelming so tonight shall be her night! Honestly, even though Twilight is my favorite AJ is actually a close second. Here's to you Applejack!
Time for some quick news guys, check it out after the break.
Hello again everyone! Tonight I've got a whole bunch of very unique tumblrs from the Tumblrpony universe for you all tonight! Everything from draw blogs, pixel ponies, unique OCs, and even a poety blog! So dive on in after the break and spend your evening with some of our tumblr friends.
As always, if you have a tumblr you would like to share, whether it is your own or someone elses, please make sure to send it my way at [email protected] for review and filing. Now, on to the tumblrs!
BronyCAN Announces First Wave of Musicians!
by Calpain
You can't have a convention without some music and BronyCAN is making sure their event is filled with the sound of pony music for its guests! They are pleased to announce wave one of musicians that will be attending for their concert and if this is just wave one I can't wait to see who else they have left to announce. Check out the whole press release and list after the break.
I don't think we have ever had a Cyberpunk header, unless you could Fallout Equestria in that genre. Steampunk usually dominates.
Onward to art!
[9] Source
Cyberpunk Gilda
A bunch of new covers have popped up in relation to those summaries from yesterday. We have everything from a background pony compilation to a bit of Big Mac.
Thanks to everyone that sent them in!
We have six hand painted pieces here from Sara Richards for the upcoming Blue Label book. IDW has asked us to run a poll to gauge which one you guys like the best. The winner will be be transformed into a limited edition 18'' x 24'' lithograph purchasable on the side from the actual books.
The poll is over on the side bar now! Try to pick your favorite art piece as opposed to favorite pony. I know it's difficult to resist, but you guys can pull it off! There aren't even any Lunas!
Japan has a bunch of tights and half shirts popping up for pony. These were all found on various websites. Have some links:
Celestia Tights
Celestia Shirt
Zecora Tights
Zecora Shirt
Sweetie Belle Shirt
Whether this will be expanded upon remains a mystery, but I think they are the poioneers in pony tights, so we will see how well they do.
Thanks to Sweetie Heart for the heads up! -
This little question popped up over on The Hub's Facebook page a few days ago, but I figured I'd jump on it since I didn't have anyone send it in until last night. Apparently they are looking for ideas on which characters deserve a spinoff (not limited to MLP).
So who should it be? Do you want that Luna and Celestia series Lauren mentioned? Or perhaps some Doctor Whooves and Twilight Sparkle? Hell, if any Hub character is allowed, maybe Rainbow Dash needs to grow some 3D and join the Autobots?
Hit up their facebook page, and drop your vote in the comments below too! -
Time for some random merch! Your weekly/monthly/daily/whenever we get enough stuff to post compilation of all the crazy pieces of merchandise pumped from retailers across the world.
We start this one off with a few new brushable leaks/prototypes popping up on good ol' Taobao. Sparkly wings and Diamond Tiaras appear to be on th eway! thanks to Sarah for the heads up on those.
Head on down below the break for more Random merch!
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