It's pretty late here on the East coast; time to reminisce about season one! The Show Stoppers was the first real CMC episode, and was pretty divisive among fans. I've seen a number of people consider it to be one of the worst of the series, as well as some who call it one of the best. I like the episode a lot myself—but don't take my word for it:! Have a look at this analysis by Bronycurious from his FiMpressions series after the break, and we'll start the discussion there.
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Random Media: SFM - Fallout Equestria / YTPMV - Trixie Vs. Masked Twilight / Trailer - Brohoofer's Guide to Equestria
by Sethisto
We have some completely random media for you all this time around! The first one is a Fallout Equestria intro type thing. If only a SFM project to fully animate the book actually existed! Get on it SFM people.
The second slot is occupied by one of those rare YTPMV things. Seriously, we haven't posted one in forever.
And finally, a ponified Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy trailer. Check them all out below the break.
1.) [SFM Ponies] Fallout Equestria
2.) Trixie vs Masked Twilight
3.) The Brohoofer's Guide to Equestria
With the seventh comic in the pony series coming out next week (May 15th to be exact), the retail incentive and B covers have both popped up. Unfortunately I can't seem to locate where exactly to buy B, but you can nab the retail incentive (Ponies in cages) on tfaw.
Happy hunting collectors! -
I don't know if this is an anime opening, but it is using a similar style and Japanese song, so I'm sure those of you that like ponified anime openings will find something to love here. Everyone else just bask in the effects, custom animations, and overwhelming glow. It's pretty damn awesome!
Update: Looks like it's Highschool of the Dead. I lose 2 Internets for bad description reading.
I have to admit, I dropped an anypony or two back in the day. It's kind of unavoidable when you surround yourself with it all the time.
I never noticed these polls got so many comments on the actual poll page. It seems you guys dig up places to talk about things everywhere! We really need to get that forum idea going I think...
Onward to the next poll: If ponies were signed up for a big budget game contract, what type would you like to see? Hit it up on the sidebar. -
It's finally Friday which means another work week has passed and a relaxing weekend is just around the corner. Why not spend some time with some cute tumblrs to start off your weekend?
As always, if you have a tumblr you would like to share, whether it is your own or someone elses, please make sure to send it my way at calpain@equestriadaily.com for review and filing. Now, on to the tumblrs!
Hay hay every po-neigh! This is Digibrony—new author to the site—bringing you videos and posts in which we'll analyze and discuss the ins and outs of MLP! Today I've got a video by The AnY Pony, in which he lists the top 5 things he'd most and least like to see when the show comes back for season 4. What would you like to see—and what would you hate to see? How do you feel about AnY Pony's Top 5 Yay and Neigh? Check it out after the break and we'll discuss it in the comments!
Artisan Pony Crafts Compilation #17
by Calpain
Just look at all of those apples! I think I would go crazy getting the detail just right on each and every one of them let alone the rest of the piece.
Pony creations of all sorts coming your way!
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Ever since Lauren mentioned the Lune/Celestia side series, I've been dying to see some canon history of the two ponies. Hear that hasbro? Ax
[1] Source
Time Changes Us All
This one actually popped up a while back on Tony Fleecs Blog. It looks like Jetpack and Larrys Comics are going to be running with a Mermaid Fluttershy for their variant on her micro series. It doesn't look like this one is up for pre-order yet, but I'm sure we will see something soon.
Thanks to Dillan for the heads up! -
Ponies and pinball? I have admit, I never expected a crossover like that. I'm really liking the concept though. Can this be a thing? Celestia knows I spent way too much time on Pokemon Pinball back in the day.
Anyway, check out this new lineup of shirts at We Love Fine's pony section. Thanks to everyone that sent them!
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