Nightly Roundup #652
by Calpain
Looks like Daring Do won out! Was there ever any doubt? I really hope we get to see another adventure of Daring Do's as it was cool seeing an adventuring pony such as herself getting into all sorts of mischief. Maybe next season, eh?
News hot off the internet presses! Check it after the break.
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Build-a-Bear has both Twilight and Spike stored in their product image archive, thought they aren't currently listed on the actual site.
Originally, employees of the store from various locations actually said Fluttershy was going to be the companion pony to Twilight, so Spike is a bit of a surprise. Hopefully more information arrives soon!
Thanks to Jennifer for the heads up! -
We have two SFM videos this time around, the first dedicated to that I Am Octavia song that popped up a few weeks ago. It's a bit on the slow side, but the song itself is slow, so that's kind of inevitable!
The second is a SFMification of Evil Enchantress. Find both below the break as always!
1.) I Am Octavia [SFM]
2.) Evil Enchantress
This wallpaper makes me want to play God of War for some unknown reason.
Anyway, go get your weekly dose of wallpapers below the break! We have some great ones this time around.
And the usual reminder: Hit the source for full size!
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Rainbow Fly
Plushie Compilation #113
by Calpain
I've seen some impressive plushies before, but never has one made me do an actual double take when I thought it was a drawn picture at first! Just absolutely amazing!
Check out plushies like this one and more after the break!
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Queen Chrysalis Plush
I'm actually adding the charity tag to this post, primarily because Everfree Northwest, Bronycon, and Galacon are rolling with announcements pertaining strictly to that in this one. If you don't go to conventions, or have no interest in them, but still want to contribute to the overall projects, don't miss it!
Have some headlines:
- Everfree Northwest Seeks Items for Charity Auction!
- BronyCon and GalaCon Rally in Support of Bronies for Good’s Seeds of Kindness 3
- Brony Fan Fair Short Animation
Update: Break fixed! - Cal
We Love Fine has decided to give you all an extra two weeks to complete your entries for the Ponies Vs. Villians event they are running right now. The new deadline is May 21st. If you missed the earlier announcements for it, head on over here for ponies and here for villains, with information on the contest and specific requirements included within.
And just because we can't have a We Love Fine post without a shoutout to some new shirts, a whole bunch of new ones have popped up in the pony section. Find those here!
Yep, you read that title correctly. Ponies have officially taken over the world of Tron, or more specifically, Fluttershy has. I don't know where all of these animations are coming from lately, but I'm more than happy to flood the EQD front page with them!
Head on down below the break or click the image above to check it out.
It has been quite awhile since the Wonderbolts Academy episode and seeing the comic above got me thinking about Lightning Dust again. While she did screw up and flaunt safety for her own personal gain I'm sure if she is able to take what she learned at the end of the episode to heart she can reform herself and try again.
Anyhow, some early morning comics guys! Click for full.
The new Fluttershy and Rarity Folios are available over on IDW Limited. It looks like you can pick up Rarity now, but need to pre-order Fluttershy due to a May 29th release date.
You can find Fluttershy here, and Rarity here. If you want more information on it, head on over to our earlier post on the duo. -
The group I play games with at night decided 6am isn't the best time to go to bed, so I ended up fixing my sleep schedule. Luckily for you guys, this means earlier drawfriend. How long will this last? I give it a week! It's only a matter of time before we end up on another "just one more ARAM" night and end up on the old times!
As a compromise for the early, I get a Trixie in squarespace header. Or whatever is going on there.
Onward to art.
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Another installment of Bronycurious's over-analysis of all things Equestria has released, this time dedicated to the princesses and overall history of world as a whole. Delve deep into each event that Celestia and Luna were a part of, and the intricacies that go on behind the scenes of our pony filled utopia.
After the break of course!
For those collecting the pony cutouts on Hubworld, the Rarity one has been released. Head on over here to pick it up! -
It's late, but that doesn't mean we can't rush this amazing Colgate animation, filled with brushy, background ponies, and just about everything else you could possibly wish for. She also has a really excellent voice.
You know the drill on these! Click the image above or head on down below the break to check it out!
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