Minuette vs. Tardiness Gets Level Editor
by Calpain
Remember Minuette vs Tardiness? Well, this great pony game has received an update that includes a level editor so that you can create your own levels to share with your friends! To check it out and to play the game if you haven't already, check the link below and get to it.
Minuette vs. TardinessShare This!63 Comments
Typically there hasn't been a lot in the way of clothing outlets selling pony stuff for our friends in the UK. Today, that changes just a little bit. With your help, The UK-based shop Truffle Shuffle may be featuring your designs in their lineup.
We’re working on introducing some new designs to our official range of My Little Pony T-Shirts but as no-one knows the ever changing, fast paced nature of Friendship is Magic better than you guys, we wanted to get your input and ideas so we can make sure the new range is exactly what you want to see.
So if there’s a character who you think we should be paying tribute to, a particular slogan you want to see, a graphic you’ve seen or even some of your own illustrations that you think would make the perfect tee, please get in touch.
You can let us know in the comments section below or if you’d prefer, you can email me direct to james@truffleshuffle.co.uk.
As an added incentive, they will be offering any chosen artists the first five t-shirts each off the professional printing line as a reward.
Get cracking!
We have a multiparter this time around with some very impressive art. Honestly it matches one of those official comics in quality on that front.
The general premise is a younger Discord going through school life, completely with the usual king of chaos shinanigans.
Head on over here to start on page one, and continue on in the description. -
I was going to put this in the drawfriend, but It's not really a drawing is it? We have seen tons of Gmod ponies which were based on the old KP-Shaddowsquirrel models, but these designs are totally different, and bring out a lot of features those don't really touch upon. Transitioning ponies into a 3D space has always been a challenge, and while the source ponies are useful, it's neat to see a different perspective. Hashbro over on Deviant Art has spent the past year creating models for Twilight, Octavia, Scratch, Lyra, Pinkamena, and now Derpy. A few of them are actually available on Shapeways as 3D printed versions.
Head on down below the break for links to everything, or just hit up his gallery and dig on your own!
Note: (Hashrbo, not Hasbro, these are fan made)
The Hub has released a Twilight Saprkle cutout for all you crafty people that want to deck your desktop out with some Starswirl the bearded. Head on over to this page to print it!
Thanks to Nash for the heads up! -
Livin like a rock star edition! Without any rock ponies. What happened to that one rock pony that was floating around a while back? Ziggy something?
Anyway, have some art.
[1] Source
Record Time
Applebuck Season airs today! Can you handle the southern / Japanese hybrid? Head on down below the break for the stream as always!
(Starting at 7:30 AM Japan time, 3:30 PST, or 30 minutes after this post is up)
(Note: If you want to remove scrolling comments, click the switch on the bottom right, Rainbow Dash can only handle so much!)
Hasbro has released their usual investor relations report for the first quarter of the year. As always, pony continues to dominate, with a whopping 30% revenue increase between that at Magic the Gathering. Now they just need to give us a mini-series to hold us over until season four! Keep the train rolling Hasbro!
And as Twilight Sparkle (Yes Twilight) points out, in a Hasbro management discussion, the CEO noted that they are trying to do the same thing with Littlest Pet Shop. Hopefully the fans of that one get some love too!
Radio Plays: Moonstuck Dub - Final Episode / Tales of a Junk Town Pony Peddler Episode Five: Dream a Little Dream.
by Sethisto
Both the 5th episode of Tales of a Junk Town Pony Peddler and Moonstuck's finale have both released! Head on down below the break to check them both out, or click the images!
SFM just keeps getting more and more interesting. Remember back in the day when the maximum gmod video was applejack extending her head and saying "nope?". Yeah, it was awesome, but these are evolving in a direction I can't wait to see the results of later on down the line.
Anyway, check out some Find a Way SFM Style below the break!
The next round of Behind the Voice Actors has begun for the shows of 2012. A whole bunch of pony staff are up for grabs this time around, including:
Claire Corlett as Sweetie Belle
Tara Strong as Twilight Sparkle
Britt McKillip as Cadence
Nicole Oliver as Zoe Trent (Littlest Pet Shop)
Scott McNeil as Flam
MLP Friendship is Magic as Best Vocal Ensemble
If you want to vote, head on over here, and here for all of them! To vote, hover over the image and click the vote button. You can only vote once, so don't derp it!
Stay Brony My Friends: Episode 47 - Starring Glittering Pony from Equestria L.A.!
by Cereal Velocity
It's Monday and you know what that means, it's another Stay Brony My Friends with Dustykatt and Screwball!
This week it's time to start pumping up the Convention season, and the next one around the corner is Equestria L.A.!
Glittering Pony, head of EQLA, will join us and get us up to speed on all the things from who's coming to what's gonna happen.
And we still have Steffan Andrew's Manly Challenge Charity for Red Cross of Boston over on ManliestBrony.com
Join us 5pm PST/8pm EST! -
It has been a while since we had a spotlight music post! Bout time we got one of these going.
The first song we have in this one comes from Aviators off his new From All Sides album (which you can find here). Fans of his usual stuff, or Bronyfied's melodic rock will probably enjoy this one a bunch!
And in the second one, SoGreatandPowerful collabbed it up with And the Rainfall for something that combines their two unique styles into something very interesting. It's probably one of the most original brony songs I've heard.
You can find both below the break, or by clicking the images.
Just a heads up for those of you who entered for Amy Keating Rogers shirt thing way back from Las Pegasus Unicon, she is currently searching for the address of someone with the last name Devitt. If you match this description, email her at lputshirts@gmail.com.
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