Nightly Roundup #637
by Calpain
Tonight just feels like a mecha kind of night plus Fluttershy hasn't been in a header for awhile so why don't we just combine both?
Time for a short but sweet Roundup tonight guys so strap yourselves in and lets get to it!
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Author: GC13
Description: The first few towns the Mare comes to might think her to be a curious,
The Mare With No Name (New Part 4!)
quiet sort. That's alright though: the Sisters have only just defeated
Discord, and enough ponies bear scars caused by the tyrant for everypony to
know when a mare just wants to keep to herself.
The defeat of the King of Chaos isn't the end, however. Great beasts now
roam Equestria, preying on its inhabitants. On her quest, to
Sisters-know-where, the Mare will defeat the monsters, and finally bring
peace to the nation.
Additional Tags: Legendary warrior journeys across Equestria -
BronyCAN Announces Lee Tockar!
by Calpain
Everyone's favorite moustachioed serpent is making an appearance at this summer's BronyCAN convention! Check after the break for the full press release everyone!
I still love this pony. I haven't the slightest clue why though!
Onward to wallpapers, we have 27 in this one. Check them all out below!
[1] Source
~ Pony Infinite ~
Just in case our super secret season 12 leaked image from the other day had you excited for more, a new set of plushies have popped up. The submitter tells me these originate from Denmark. I can't find a date of release, or much information at all to go along with them, but they apparently popped up around the same time as all the other plushies at the Toy Fair a few months ago.
(obligatory why the long face)
Thanks to Karoliina for the heads up! -
I don't know if this is a response to the Japanese dubs, or if someone just felt like going completely crazy with Pinkie Pie, but this YTPMV will leave you scratching your head in confusion. That doesn't make it any less fun to watch! The yay's hurt my ears a bit, but Pinkie Pie hurts my ears all the time, so I went in expecting a bit of pain.
Anyway, check it out below!
Applejack's hat was ALIENS ALL ALONG. But why? Where did they come from? What are they doing on Applejack's head? Is it a spying mission? Are they studying apples?
Have some art.
Update: ALIENS stole some of the images. We have since infected their species with the common cold and stole the images back.
[1] Source
I have no idea what's going on
It looks like Hasbro has signed a deal with Clear Vision to distribute My Little Pony DVD's all over Europe. Some of the specific locations include: The UK, France, Spain, Italy, the Nordic Countries, and the Middle East. These are only covering the first and second seasons at this time, but as with everything else they sell, I'm sure they will expand if these do well.
Full press release can be found at Licensing.biz. -
[Dark] "It's 80° in my house right now, and I'm shivering." -Pre-reader 23
Author: Starsong
Description: A student of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns stumbles upon a mysterious house in the streets of Canterlot, only to find it abandoned. Once the door has been opened, it can never truly be shut. Once the house has accepted him, he can never escape it.
His only hope lies hidden in the deepest chambers of Canterlot Palace, in this manuscript.
413 Mulberry Lane : A Report (With Annotations by Twilight Sparkle)
Additional Tags: noneop 1:00 PM
Labels: Author: Starsong, Celestia, Complete, Fanfiction, Grimdark, OC Ponies, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
The Japanese ticket master episode has been uploaded for those that missed it, as well as Pinkie's Gala song. Have some links:
Pinkie's Gala Song -
[Comedy] [Slice of Life]
Author: Yacob
Description: Shining Armor doesn't have a clue what to do with his little sister. She's moody, egotistical, screechy, and she constantly begs him to play with her because she has nopony else to play with. Fed up with her tormenting ways, Shining takes it upon himself to do the impossible: find Twilight Sparkle some friends!
Games for Brothers and Sisters
Additional Tags: cute foals games sibling dramaop 10:00 AM
Labels: Author: Yacob, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Shining Armor, Slice of Life, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Timberwolves are pretty freaky if you think about it. I'd rather deal with a real wolf in the woods instead of an animated wooden demon wolf thing.
We didn't have enough for a roundup last night, so have it tonight instead. It's a big one. Everything from Minecraft to Pizza Hut shoutouts can be found below!
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