Nightly Roundup #612
by Calpain
Pinkie hasn't taken charge of a Roundup in awhile I think so here she is with some staches to share with you all! Get them while they last, one per pony.
News time folks, check it after the break.
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We will be keeping the music of the day posts going while EQD Music gets all stabalized with the voting and stuff. If you want to keep up with the updates over there, check out the Site Updates section.
We are thinking of limiting the top lists to 2013 onward. What do you guys think of that idea? It would keep the top day/week/year stuff fresh at least.
Onward to music! We have 19 of them this time around. Check them out below.
Animation time! well not fully animated, but partially. It's still a whopping 3 minutes of Vinyl and that pony with the stars on his butt from season 2 though. Check it out below the break or here!
[Comedy] [Slice of Life]
Author: Maphysto
Description: Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic and student of Princess Celestia, has braved many dangers and defeated powerful foes. But on a peaceful afternoon, she will face her greatest challenge: eating some lunch.
In Which Twilight Sparkle Attempts to Eat a Sandwich
Additional Tags: Urban legends are really interestingop 8:00 PM
Labels: Author: Maphysto, comedy, Complete, Everypony, Fanfiction, Slice of Life, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Twilight Sparkle has released a new pair of goggles. What exactly these goggles do, or what you will see with them on, is a complete mystery. Based on unicorn magic though, and her uncanny ability to accidentally screw up spells, I'm assuming not even she knows.
These were found at TJ Maxx along with a boogie board in Georgia. Other stores will probably see them as well soon enough considering summer is right around the corner.
Thanks to Reanne for the image!
For all of you still chuggin away on the MLP Gameloft game, it looks like a huge update is on the horizon. Included this time around, you will find 40 new quests, ten new ponies, and some extra mini games. Apparently it's supposed to mirror the second season of the show.
Thanks to Dan for the heads up!
This was going to be a PRAISE THE SUN edition, but then I realized I prefer to PRAISE THE MOON. I don't need no sun to carry me through a game like that.
Have some art!
[1] Source
Princess Luna
It looks like they are really pushing the hell out of this new MLP dub over in Japan. Events and news are popping up just about everywhere.
A list of cast members so far includes:
Suzuko Mimori (Pinkie Pie)
Sora Tokui (Applejack)
Mikoi Sasaki ( Rarity)
Izumi Kitta (Rainbow Dash)
Miyuki Sawashiro (Twilight Sparkle)
Emiri Kato (Fluttershy)
Motoko Kumai (Spike)
Kikuko Inoue (Celestia)
And as mentioned in an earlier post, but something a lot of you are submitting, we will be seeing anew intro to the show specifically for Japan, similar to the Italian dub. I think out of all of this, that is probably the thing I am most looking forward to. If there is one thing Japan does damn well, it's intros.
Thanks to everyone that sent stuff in! -
We are going to start this one off a bit diffirent than usual. A while back a crazy popular Derpilicious skit was done in SFM, and since then the artist has created a couple of new ones, as well as a sped up video showing off what exactly goes into making one of these. If you were ever curious about SFM and video editing in general, its a neat one to check out!
Find that in the first slot,a bit of Octavia in the second, and some Carrot Top / Angel in the third!
1.) Trotting [SFM-Picture / Recording]
2.) Octavia's Interview
3.) Carrots
PMV: My Little Paraphernalia: Friendship is Tragic - Episode 1 / This Dream / Until the Sun
by Sethisto
We have yet another Youtube poop style video (Warning: Some language in this one), followed by two PMV's, one with a nonpony song, and the other with Until the Sun. Check them out below!
1.) My Little Paraphernalia: Friendship is Tragic - Episode 1
2.) My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - This Dream (PMV)
3.) PMV: until the sun by &i feat. Feather
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