Nightly Roundup #608
by Calpain
In celebration of Pi Day I have brought you both Soarin and pie as is custom for this glorious day. Hope you all had some pie to eat today and that you shared a slice with Soarin. Wouldn't want to make him sad would you?
Check out the news tonight after the break.
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You guys look a little stressed. I blame this awful pony haitus and it's lack of episodes. Time for RELAXATION!
Have two instrumental songs, one ambient, one soft orchestral, to chill out to. Grab a good book, throw on some headphones, and let the music flow.
Actually on second thought, the mirror pool one might be good with a horror story, so if you aren't in the mood to relax, go get something scary instead!
1.) David Larsen - Ether (MLP Music)
2.) Into the Mirror Pool
Comic Book Resources has released the summaries and covers for both the 8th MLP main series comic and the special Pinkie Pie #5 micro comic. Once again, the covers are all amazing. We even get a bit of best pony on that third one.
Head on down past the break for the synopsis to avoid spoilers!
Thanks to Masem for the heads up!
Toy Industry Foundation, a charity group dedicated to bringing toys to children that need them have an auction up for a special edition 48 inch Funrise Rainbow Dash plushie. It's using the usual style they run with, but gigantic + charity should be good for those of you that love donating!
Head on over to this page to check it out. -
Lets start with some socks! These join the ever expanding pony inventory of Thinkgeek, at 10 bucks a pair. Find their store page here!
Onward to random merch. Have a bunch of stuff below the break.
Study edition! I never was much of a studier in my school days. I blame growing up with the internet and an endless supply of distractions.
Have some art!
[1] Source
A Princess Here Before Us... Behold! Behold!
We Love Fine is running a flash sale on a whole bunch of shirts in honor of Pi Day. Head on over here to check them all out! Looks like a mix of top selling pony shirts a swell as some other brands lower down. -
We Love Fine has released a steady stream of new designs in their pony section over the last few days. Included this time around is more Varsity ponies, a bunch of Derpy stuff, some Memes, and the ultimate in filly Chrysalis technology. Can you handle the Chrysalis? I can't.
Head on over here for all of them!
Hasbro has tossed up a video displaying various brands, including a short part with some 3D ponies. I don't think we have seen "official" models for 3D ponies yet, but these look pretty similar to the Source mod ones we have been using forever.
Anyway, check it out below the break!
And a translation for those curious, though I'm not sure how accurage Google Translate is here:
“Hasbro Chile charges us conducting a video to present to their customers, which will summarize the activities of the company during 2012. In order to respect the confidentiality of the data provided by Hasbro, the video presented here shows only the stage of the original video. The animation of each of the screens included in the scenario, which shows the activities of each of the Hasbro brands (Play Doh, Monopoly, Transformers, My Little Pony, etc), have been shelved.”
Thanks to Whatshisgame for the heads up!
The fifth edition, and new arc of the My Little Pony comic series has invaded iTunes with some new preview images. We have about two weeks until this one hits store shelves (March 28th), so if you want to avoid spoilers don't head past the break! Everyone else, have three pages and the synopsis as a reminder.
Thanks to Kein for the heads up!
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