Calling all Junior Speedsters!
Get your chants ready because this Monday night Maryke Hendrikse will be joining Dustykatt and Screwball on Stay Brony My Friends!
That's right; Maryke, who played Gilda the Griffon, will drop by and hopefully not call us out as dweebs. I'm pretty sure were not very Lame-O at all. At least Trev didnt think so!
She has also played some other really great characters in her time behind the mic. Revy from Black Lagoon, Bubbles from Powerpuff Girls Z, Susan Test on Johnny Test, Thunderblast on Transformers: Cybertron and even "Brights Brightly" in two different MLP videos back in 2006.
She will also tell us about the Charity she has selected for this week's "Manly Challenge".
So don't make Gilda come find you on Monday 5pm PST/8pm EST.
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We have a couple of game trailers this time around for upcoming pony projects.
The first is another gameplay trailer from that 3D Rainbow Dash flight/fighting game from a while back. It's starting to look like one of those early PS1 Spyro games, especially the flight aspect.
The second is pony card game going by the name of Harmony.
And the third looks to be a platformer starring pinkie pie traveling through a land filled with candy, changelings, and lunar guards.
1.) Rotor
2.) Harmony PCG - Gameplay Footage
3.) Pinkie in Candyland (No Embed)
For all you Tara Strong fans out there who wanted to take home a copy of Tara Strong's Take My Hand from the Brony Documentary, it looks like you will finally have a chance to do that. They will be sold at the upcoming Big Apple Ponycon later this month. Head on down past the break for all the information on it.
It looks like there are rumors floating around on Derpibooru and Tumblr about Spike's role in Equestria Girls, namely that he is a dog (with accompanying image). I don't think I've ever thought of Spike as Twilight's pet, but I never thought of Twilight as a human either, so... surprises all around I guess!
Korra edition! If you have never watched the two Avatar arcs, you need to get on it immediatly. They are amazing.
Have some art!
[1] Source
Be the leaf though the gates
For those of you in and around Boston, it looks like the comic convention in your area will have an exclusive cover for issue #6. The artist tossed this image up on her blog a few days ago. I feel kind of bad for all you people out there trying to collect all of these! They are popping up in the strangest places lately!
Head on over here to read her commentary on it!
And thanks to The Illustrious Q for the heads up.
[Normal] "I really admire the author's use of voice to differentiate different viewpoints. It's a pleasure to see characters who can't exactly speak being characterized so expertly, and their antics make for a satisfying read." -Pre-reader who likes sky pirates
Author: Bok
Description: Equestria's most powerful crime ring is run by the most unlikely gangsters.
The Syndicate
Additional Tags: never trust little cute crittersop 13:00
Sildid: Angel, Author: Bok, Complete, Fanfiction, Gummy, Normal, Opal, Owlowiscious, Philomena, Star-Needed, Story, Tank, Winona -
We Love Fine has added another item to their achievement system, this time rollin with pony charms and lanyards. Head on over to their home page for all the glorious information on it.
[Slice of Life]
Author: Enter Madness
Description: My name's Davenport. I once received some good advice that "change doesn't happen unless you make it happen," so this is how I tried to do just that. This is the tale of how I broke the bonds of apathy and tried to change my life for the better, the fat lot of good that did me, and what I learned about the universe in the process.
Additional Tags: Universe won't let him changeop 10:00
Sildid: Author: Enter Madness, Berry Punch, Caramel, Davenport, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Slice of Life, Star-Needed, Story
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