Nightly Roundup #590
by Calpain
Can't decide on one pony? Post a picture with multiple ponies! That's sure to work, yes. Anyhow, another day has passed and the site has yet to catch fire while the others are off at Unicon. Just another day or two left until they enter with stories of their adventures!
In the meantime, Cal has some news for you all to digest tonight. Check it out after the break.
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Derpy Day is coming up on March 1st so it's time to bake some muffins, write some letters, and try our best to make ourselves cross-eyed for a silly photo. Some others though plan on going above and beyond the call of duty this year with a very special event called 'Operation Indiscriminate Friendship', an event that has been successful two years running! In order for it to be successful this year though they are going to need a little bit of help from you guys!
Curious about how to help or about Derpy Day in general? Check on after the break for more details from Thanqol, the pony fan behind Operation Indiscriminate Friendship.
Drawfriend Stuff #725
by Calpain
It's been a little slow around here lately, more than likely due to the convention. Certainly makes scheduling a bit easier! Unfortunately it does mean less pictures for the Drawfriends as well. Oh well, I'm sure they will pick up in robustness soon enough.
Check out all the art after the break!
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Que Sera, Sera cover illustration
Hello EqD! Vimbert of the pre-readers here, reporting from beautiful Las Vegas, where Unicon is in full swing. The awesome, talented Daniel Ingram did an hour-long panel focusing on the process behind creating the season finale, but there's some interesting general stuff in there as well from the Q&A section. Find more after the break.
I think I did this at Everfree, too, in which I annoyed the blogponies by waking them up before 9 to get out to this panel. From left to right, we listened to Peter New (Big Macintosh), Maryke Hendrikse (Gilda), Trevor Devall (Fancypants, Hoity Toity, IRON WILL), Sam Vincent (FlamFlim), Mark Oliver (Gustav le Grande), and Michelle Creber (Apple Bloom) discuss how fleeting roles in Friendship is Magic contributed to characters and moments that affected the show in huge ways. Hit the break to appreciate just what these folks mean to the show!
Friendship is Witchcraft: Foaly Matripony
by Calpain
Finally, after a long, long wait the latest episode of Friendship is Witchcraft has been released! Currently it is only on Youtube so those of us in the US will have to wait for them to upload the episode on Vimeo before we can see it.
Check after the break for the appropriate links, Youtube embed and the Vimeo embed!
Update: Oddly, it seems to be unblocked for me now and I live in the US. Yay!
Saturday Livestreams
by Calpain
Just because pony is on hiatus doesn't mean the creativity in the fandom has to stop! Once again we've got a wide array of pony artists streaming today for your viewing pleasure. Check them out and say hello if you can! It would mean the world to them.
As always with this event, if you want to partake in the madness make sure to send an email to me at calpain@equestriadaily.com with your name, the type of art you'll be doing, a gallery link (optional) a link to your livestream and a banner (also optional). Make sure that your stream follows our content guidelines as laid out under our submit tab and also make sure to that you can be ready to stream at our standard time of 4pm EST / 1pm PST on Saturday.
Now, on to the streams!
We are a bit on the late side with music due to my slackin on review while at the con. Have a few late ones and some new ones!
We start with, followed by some HARDSTYLE for those that are into that, and finish with a bit of Celestias Balad covered by MEMJ. Find them all below!
1.) Stargazers: Final Sundown
2.) Addictia - Legend Of Equestria (feat. Metajoker)
3.) Celestia's Ballad - Cover by MEMJ
I can dig this. I know a lot of you joined during the 2nd season. Overall it was pretty damn solid. I do love a lot of season three though. Bias toward the best episode ever (Magic duel) aside, the overall quality was pretty ramped up. I do wish it had the extra boost of 13 more episodes though!
Onward to the next poll which has already been up for a while now: Favorite song from the finale. Charge!
If you need a refresher, hit up this post! -
Animation: Crusaders Looking for a Crew
by Calpain
We've got an interesting looking project for you all this morning! A aspiring animator is currently in the process of making an animated music video for Alex S.'s remix of the CMC theme. In order to make this a more community based project though he is looking for people to submit their OCs to serve as background ponies in the video as well as other animators to help out! If you're interested, read what he has to say below.
"Hello, I'm currently working on an animated music video to an Alex S remix of the CMC theme. To make the project more community orientated I'm going to be putting user submitted OCs as background characters, whether it be in the crowd, or around Ponyville. I've made a video explaining the concept here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68Zx_KCWaNw and an old sample of the animation can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tii8dVk7vSM Once I choose out the submissions, I will also be looking for people to assist in the animation side of things, creating Flash puppets and also animating some of the background content to help speed up the process. I'll be posting more about this on the blog once submissions close (March 4th).For more information on submitting content, please follow this link: http://kreidcrusaders.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/ submission-information.html# comment-form Thanks- KrEid" -
Unicon Livestreaming: Everfree Network
by Calpain
Things are really getting underway now at the Las Pegasus Unicon! For those of you who are interested in watching today's panels and events, you can check out Everfree Network's livestreaming channel at the link below. Apologies for getting this up so late into the convention!
Everfree Network Livestream
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