Another artist has joined the team creating variants for the pony comics. Sara Richard tossed this up on her Deviant Art page a while ago. This will be the Double Midnight "Twilight Sparkle" version.
Find her DA page here!
Thanks to Kein for the heads up! -
Author: Steel Resolve
Description: As the sun gives way to the night, a pegasus knocks on a window. She has a secret. One that, if revealed, would shame her forever. Yet she can't stay away.
Private Study Sessions
Additional Tags: Books are so not cool.
op 8:00 PM
Labels: Author: Steel Resolve, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Rainbow Dash, Shipping, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
For those of you that didn't tune in to the Kallisti charity event, Celestia Radio has tossed the entire set of interviews up on their Youtube page. Have some links:
M.A. Larson
Andrea Libman
Tara Strong
Anneli Heed
Peter New
Dave Polsky
Now go listen to your favorite people talk about ponies! -
Author: Andrew Clocksin
Description: Rainbow Dash isn't exactly looking forward to having Pinkie Pie tag along as she trains in preparation to impress the Wonderbolts. She begins to appreciate her friend's efforts, however, during a jaunt through the Everfree Forest. Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle's observations reveal a disturbing threat to Equestria.
Lonely Ocean (New Part 2+3)
Additional Tags: sad adventure magic heartbreak friendship
op 4:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Andrew Clocksin, Celestia, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Sad, Spike, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
It looks like Jetpack comics is rolling with a Alice in Wonderland cover for their exclusive Twilight variant. If you want to pre-order this one, head on over to their store page!
Thanks to Pallefj for the heads up! -
Think of alternate names below the break, or laugh at the image above! -
Pie! Even changelings love it. I think I gained at least five pounds during the holidays due to pie.
We have a whole bunch of Kallisti stream art this time around, those will be split into a separate category at the bottom. It's all amazing regardless though, so check them out!
Onward to art!
[1] Source
Kallisti II Stream Request 4
We sure are seeing a lot of really neat PMV's lately! Has the fandom evolved again?
BronyVids created this one dedicated to the mane six. Head on down below the break to check it out!
I wonder how many PMV's Discord has so far? It's pretty staggering!
Go howl at the moon with a bit of Typography of that in the first slot, followed by some short Looney Tunes style SFM jokeyness int he second. Both below the break.
1.) Discord [Typography Animation]
2.) Apple Pie Cartoon (ponies)_The Package
Author: WovenWord
Description: They say heroes are to be admired from afar. That they're the stuff of legends and folk tales, of epic stories and hushed whispers. But, deep down, we all know heroes are ponies—just like us—who rose to the occasion. Ponies who live amongst us and may even pass us in the street without being recognized.
Woven Word Weekly (New Part 2!)
Princess Celestia has asked us to help lift part of this veil, this feeling of distance from those who we honor and respect. It is to that end that we introduce our newest supplement: Woven Word Weekly, helmed by the titular author, to bring you—the people of Equestria—a closer look into the lives of the greatest heroes of our time: The bearers of Harmony.
We hope it'll be to the liking of Her Majesty and our dear readers.
Always at your service,
Final Cut
Editor-in-Chief for Canterlot's Equestria Daily
Additional Tags: May you live interesting lives
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