• Story Updates - December 19th

    Putting ponies in weird situations! It's fanfiction time. 

    Story: Dreams and Disasters (Update Part 13!)


    Author: Quillery
    Description: Rainbow Dash has a problem.

    She might be in love with Twilight Sparkle and has yet to admit it to anypony, least of all Twilight herself. After the events of Vanilla Twilight, the two have grown much closer together, spending more time together and sharing their interests. Unfortunately for Dash, Twilight hasn't caught on to her feelings yet, and she could be content with just letting things progress as they are...

    If only she hadn't sent that blasted letter admitting it.

    Now, thanks to a pair of meddling princesses, Rainbow Dash finds herself on a globe-trotting journey with the subject of her affections. On the surface, it might just seem like a simple task for the Princess, but for Rainbow Dash, it might be the very thing that forces her to come clean with her feelings, or forever face her doubts. For her, in the world of life and love, sometimes it's best to take it one dream and disaster at a time.
    Dreams and Disasters (New Part 13!) 

    Story: The Dancer (Update Part 4!)


    Author: Yipyapper
    Description: Octavia's creativity pays off one day during a concert, where a special piece she adds as a finale brings out a new fan. But the fan appears out of nowhere, and no pony else seems to notice her but Octavia.

    And all she does is dance.
    The Dancer (New Part 4!) 

    Story: A FLEet|ng LIght |n thE DArknEsS (Update - Sequel!)

    [Dark] Quote from Pre-reader (/\) - "In a fandom with far too few quality horror fics, this is one that makes the endless wait for some to be written worth it. Suffice it to say, there's more hidden in these lines than immediately meets the eye."

    Author: Flashgen
    Description: The following transcripts are of a journal found in Ponyville on April 16th of this year. The last recorded contact with the town had been 3 days prior, on the 13th, when a team under orders from Princess Celestia was sent to look into several missing pony reports in the area. When another group of investigators were sent on the 16th, the town was found deserted. The journal’s owner is believed to be the princess’s personal student, Twilight Sparkle. None of the town’s inhabitants have been located since.
    A FLEet|ng LIght |n thE DArknEsS

    Story: Asylum (Update Part 18!)

    [Sad] This is a story that differentiates itself from all other "Pony is Insane" stories by rightfully deserving its "Sad" tag, but not needing a "Dark" one. One enters the story wondering when Twilight is going to realize it is all fake. Whatever the author's future intent may be, one finishes the chapters presented here simply hoping that she gets better... -Prereader #13

    Author: Derek (Daemon of Decay)
    Description: When Twilight Sparkle slipped beneath the covers last night, everything had been fine. She had friends whom she loved, a teacher she adored, and a bright future ahead of her. But when she woke up, her blankets and quilts had been replaced by hospital gowns and padded restraints. Everything is wrong and nothing makes sense; even her friends have changed. The doctors, they keep telling her that she is sick, that none of it was real and it was all in her head. They’re lying. She remembers a life far beyond the hospital walls. She couldn't have made it all up on her own. They must be lying… right?
    Asylum (New Part 18!) 

    Story: Stories of a Warden (Update Part 17!)


    Author: Rosencranz
    Description: A magic obsessed pegasus finds himself in over his head after being assigned to a cartological expedition to distant islands. Armed with only his knowledge of an obscure branch of magic, and tenuous relationships with his coworkers, he must survive in a hostile tropical jungle."
    Stories of a Warden (New Part 17!)