Well, I have a feeling what type of artwork everyone is going to be drawing today. Seth will probably be pleased! Not as many artists today, but that's understandable with the holidays. Check them after the break!
Twitter: Calpain
Artist's Streaming Today:
AnticularPony (General Art) - Livestream - Gallery
Arcus Wind (General Art) - Livestream - Gallery
AssasinMonkey (General Art/Art Q&A) - Livestream - Gallery
Captain64 (Requests) - Livestream - Gallery
Rulsis (General Art) - Livestream - Gallery
Tacohat Comics (General Art/Requests) - Livestream - Galleries - 1 - 2
Tsitra360 (General Art *Spoilers from Episode*) - Livestream - Gallery
Livestream Drawfriend
Arcus Wind