• Nightly Roundup #856

    You know what drove me nuts about this game? That handbag. I wanted to get rid of it. You can't get rid of it. Yeah I played a female character. Doesn't everyone these days?

    Anyway, get some nightly roundup below!

    Net Nebraska Pony Article

    Covering a local convention.
    Find it here!

    MLP CCG Tutorial Video




    The Brony Show: Unofficial MLP CCG Tournament

    The Brony Show would like to announce that we will be hosting an unofficial MLP CCG tournament over Skype to raise funds for Sketchywolf, a Brony and friend of the our podcast who needs help paying legal fees due to court summons being sent to the wrong address and subsequently failing to show in court. The tournament has a $2 entry donation requirement, with all donations going to Sketchywolf! 1st place will be getting three MLP CCG booster packs as their prize! Tournament registration ends at 6:30pm EST on January 1st, with the tournament beginning at 7pm.

    Sketchywolf is also an artist and is offering commissions to help pay for his fees.

    For more rules and details (including how to sign up), click the link here!

    *We are also in need of MLP CCG official volunteers/judges to help with rulings during the event. Please use the contact information at the bottom of the provided gdoc if you would like to help out!*

    The MBS Show Review: Season 4 Episode 6 Power Ponies

    On this weeks episode reviews, Norman Sanzo, James Corck and guest reviewer Sketchy Sounds review the 6th episode of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Season 4.

    Episode Title: Power Ponies
    Writer: Meghan McCarthy, Charlotte Fullerton, & Betsy McGowen
    Original Air Date: December 21st 2013

    Join us as we discuss what we like and dislike about this episode and our overall thoughts on this episode.

    Catch it out in the link below

    Power Ponies Podcast

    Check it out over here!

    Yes, Apple Bloom, There *Is* A Santa Hooves Reading

    Summary: "Dear Santa Hooves. My name is Apple Bloom, and I don't want presents for Hearth's Warming this year. I just want my cutie mark..."

    Find it here!

    'If Only In My Dreams' by TheSlorg Reading

    Summary: Hearth's Warming Eve. For the ponies of Equestria, it is a time of giving and great joy, but for little Rose Aphid it could be the last day of her life. For you see, Rose is an outcast female changeling, and it has been a long time since she has felt love or kindness. With time running out, her journey takes her to the most unlikely of places in search of love: Pony Joe's Donut Shop.

    Find it here!


    Successful Meetups

    Frederiscksburg Meetup

    On Saturday, December 21st the Bronies of Fredericksburg met at a local library for a Hearth's Warming Eve Party. We had a pot luck feast with pizza, Chick-fil-a, and many more delicious foods. The Power ponies episode was watched and we discussed it's execution. Afterwards, we played various games, including a guessing game similar to headbandz. We also watched Ponies the Anthology III, which proved to be a lot of fun! Overall, much fun was had by all and we anxiously await our next meetup in January.

    We always encourage new members, so if you are from the Fredericksburg, Culpeper and Stafford areas, feel free to join us on our facebook page and/or google+ (see below). We also dont mind people from outlining areas either! We have future events planned and hope to see you there!

    Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/groups/BroniesofFredericksburg/
    Google+ - broniesoffredericksburg@gmail.com


    Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More

    South Texas Gamer Expo Card Tutorials

    South Texas Gamer's Expo will have a booth where the local Brony group will be holding tutorials for how to play the game.

    It takes place on January 4th, 2014, and are $15 tickets at the door, or $10 online.

    Here's a link to the website

    Kindness is Magic Facebook Page

    This group was founded on February 9th, in an effort to directly
    contrast some of the more disappointing and negative recent behaviour
    going on; specifically, in a local brony group, but also within the
    fandom and even worldwide. We decided that people had lost sight of
    the things that brought us all together in the first place: a little
    generosity, loyalty, honesty, laughter, and kindness. A little magic,
    if you will.

    Our group aims to provide several things: first and foremost, a safe
    haven from harassment, sadness and outside drama. Our secondary goal
    is to help each other find our own Elements of Harmony, and work on
    displaying those traits wherever we can.

    Never underestimate the power of friendship. /)*(\

    Find it here!

    CARD GAMES ON RACE HORSES!!!" at the Rock Game Shop

    "This Sunday at 3pm, the meetup group Bronies of South Florida will be hosting a event at the Rock Game Shop to play the My Little Pony Collectible Card Game. After we all play, we will go to Taco Bell for lunch and then go to Toys R Us down the street to shop for pony merch!

    The address for the Rock Game Shop is
    7600 SW 117th Avenue
    Miami, FL 33183

    Here are the Facebook and Meetup.com RSVP Links:

    We hope you can join us on Sunday for some CARD GAMES ON RACE HORSES!!!
