Roundup roundup roundup. Have some Luna. I wonder when the episode focusing on her will happen this season? It' gonna happen right? A Luna episode? Yes?
And while we are at it, Celestia needs a solo episode too.
Anyway, get some roundup stuff.
MLP Trading Card Game Sortable List
Mechsrule has created a google spreadsheet with sortable layers detailing all the cards in the game. Head on over here to check it out!
Ponies Invade NCIX
I do love me some computer parts, and ponies. I actually used Linus here and his tech tips channel to build the computer I'm currently using a few years ago.
Gutters Comic Posts Ponies
Ponies and giant robots. Find it over here!
Daring Don't Transcription
For anyone confused about anything said in the episode, another transcription from Alan Beack over here.
Delicious Cak...Pizza!
Honestly, I like pizza more than cake anyway.
Animatic Comparison to actual scene
And a comparison to the fan animation over here!
The Brony Off Contest Week 3
Week 3 of The Bronyoff has concluded, and the results are in...Applejack dominates once more!
For those who are unfamiliar with our contest, we at Bronyoff have one simple mission statement: a "lack of talent" should not keep any brony from actively participating in the community! Every member of this great community is important, especially the little guys that often go unnoticed among this growing fandom.
Take part in our contest, submit literally anything (videos, songs, stories, pictures, voice acting, what have you) in support of your favorite pony, and compete for a chance to get your contributions featured if your pony wins!
Be sure to check out for live stats, past updates and submissions, and important information on the contest. Send your submissions to!
Week 4: All musical submissions receive DOUBLE POINTS!
Video here!
Project Seeks Storyboarders
My name is Ed Prins-Stairs, and I'm in need of some storyboarders for a project I am keeping underwraps until I can promote it at a panel for a local brony convention I will be hosting in a few months.
All I can reveal at this time is that it's a full length episode project, the script has been written and been positively recieved, and I have all the voice actors with most of them having completed their dialogue. It's also written to stay close to the humor and storytelling of the TV series, but is also meant to touch on an issue I think would be great to help educate some people on.
Anyone who needs to contact me for storyboarding can do so at the email,
Australian Bronycast
Australian Bronycast has a new channel, old channel stuffed up and wasn't posting the video's up at all.
Skype is lightninghoof, Email is I will be doing the show early in the morning along with reshowing the first 4 episodes in order and chatting about them after each one.
I hope everyone stays safe over the Christmas break
Successful Meetups
Taiwan Meetup
With the Equestrian Games coming up, the Taiwan Bronies decided to get in the spirit by playing games of our own. We met in an arcade to challenge each other in games to test our talent and will. Along the way we continued to revel in the power of ponies.
The event banner featuring OCs Reddy Ready and Budget Black
Some nifty ponies made with a 3D printer
More pony models from a 3D printer
Wool Pinkie Pie and Applejack
Bowling with Twilight and Pinkie
One last group picture
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Card Game Launch Meetup in Texas
Okay. So this is coming to a card shop near you. (If you happen to live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.) This Sunday (Dec. 15th) starting at 1:00 p.m. Legends Tournament Center in Bedford, TX will be hosting a tournament and meet up. Come out and join us and learn how this new game is played. Then participate in the tournament later in the afternoon.
Here is a short list of things to expect once you get there. There will be FREE FOOD AND DRINKS. Yep, we figured you would have so much fun that you might forget to eat and stay hydrated. So we got you covered. Also, there will be door prizes. Who doesn’t want something just for showing up? I can not wait to find out what the prizes my be. But wait there’s more. I TripDiam will be DJing the whole afternoon live. I will be playing your favorite tunes from the fandom during the event. If you live far away and can’t make it but still want some awesome tunes to listen to you can tune in to the event live on . So have your requests ready! And of course Legends Tournament Center just stocked up on all of your favorite MLP card sleeves, binders, dog tags and other MLP merchandise so that you may deck out your deck, pony collection or yourself. Last but certainly not least @The_Flutterspy and @TwiZZle_Scratch will be in their cosplay as Flutterspy and Vinyl Scratch. If you cosplay as well we welcome you to show up in your best MLP costume.
So be sure to swing on by and hang out with some friends, learn and play the new MLP CCG, have some lunch and keep the party rocking with me, TripDiam. Trust me, you don’t want to miss it.
Want to RSVP with Meetup? Follow this link:
The party starts on Sunday December 15th at 1:00 p.m.
Legends Tournament Center
2813 Central Drive
Bedford TX 76021