Time for some Purple Smart because while AJ is awesome Twilight is certainly my favorite. Besides, it's around this time of year that everyone is finishing up school work for the holidays so I think a book worm like Twi is appropriate.
Best of luck to you all writing papers or studying for tests! Knock them out of the park. For now, have a break and read some pony.
Tonight's Stories
Blue Pony is Blue
More randomness to start off this Roundup.
Daring Dashie - Abridged
Got a new abridged short for you guys tonight. Can't wait to see some more FiW or RDP myself.
Ponibooru Film Night
Hello my beautiful People. Greetings and salutations. Poster artist DaisyHead here. It's Halfway through December and we're scheduled for a T.V. Party. So that means we got some Christmas special lined up for the roster. I tried getting Hanukkah and Kwanzaa but that would only leave two choices both which aren't readily available to watch. This Is also going to be the last Ponibooru Film night showing of the year. We will be taking the rest of the year off after the showing.
The shows will be as follows:
The Dinosaurs series finale. Cause nothing says Christmas like global nuclear winter planetary genocide.
Nu, Pogodi: An old Russian cartoon about a Wolf who tries to eat a femboyish rabbit and their world is based blatantly on the real world so really, he could just go to a store and buy groceries. But he seems to really want that rabbit. Anyway the wolf chases the rabbit at a Christmas party.
Sherlock Holmes and the 22nd century: The Blue Carbuncle. The show about Sherlock being frozen and is defrosted in the future. This episode is a Christmas episode based on the story of the same name
The rabbit with the checkered ears: A Hungarian cartoon who's character is a famous icon I guess. Ask Atryl or something. This one has snow in it so Christmas episode.
Christmas comes to Pacland: Pacman had a T.V. show. this one is Christmas themed.
Samurai Pizza Cats: They too had a Christmas episode. And of course it's horribly dubbed like it should be.
Spankys First Christmas: It's another Russian cartoon this time about a dog. I don't know anything else about it.
And Hey, Arnolds Christmas: From the first season. So far i've never seen a Christmas special top this one.
Host's for this week are:
Harlequin Jester
Pony Cat
LOCATIONS WILL BE HERE: http://www.livestream.com/poniboorufilmnight?t=250163
Tonight's Groups Looking For More
Bronies of South Florida's Dave and Buster's Meetup
On December 14th, Bronies of South Florida will be hosting a meetup at the Dave & Buster's inside Dolphin Mall from 12pm to 7pm. We will meetup in front of the Dave & Buster's at noon, then we will head inside. After we play the games and eat lunch (or dinner, depending on the time), we will walk around the mall and shop.
Here is the address for the mall:
11401 NW 12th Street
Miami, FL 33172
Event links:
We hope you can join us this Saturday!
Plug.dj Official Brony Room
An official Plug.dj room for pony fans. Check it out!
Get more information here!
Lima, OH Bronies Meetup Page
Lima Bronies now has a meetup page. Check them out if you're in the area.
Get more information here!
MLP: Beyond The Time Promo
Who do we need? :
- Flash Animators
- Background Artists
- Storyboard Artists
- Music composers
- Programmer for tumblr
No need for voice actors for now. If you want participate just send me PM.
Tonight's Podcasts and Blogs
Solid Review: Build-A-Bear Fluttershy
The MBS Show Review Season 4 Episode 4 Daring Don't
On this weeks episode reviews, Norman Sanzo and James Corck review the 4th episode of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Season 4.
Episode Title: Daring Don't
Writer: Dave Polsky
Original Air Date: December 7th 2013
If you would like to share your opinions about the episode or let us know something that we might have miss, you can email us at thembsshow@gmail.com
Talking Ponies - Episode 3
New Lunar Echoes Podcast Episode - 10 - Castlemania and Daring Don't Reviews
Find the reviews at the link below!
Get more information here!
My Little Reviews: Daring Don't
Tonight's Merchandise
Today In Pony History
December 13, 2011-2012
2011 - Shining Armor and Cadance are confirmed and we get a look at Hearth Warming's Eve.
2012 - Michelle Creber is interviewed in 33 Avenue Miquelon and have some cool show concept art!