Babscon has added yet another! Nicole Oliver will be headin' on over to San Fransisco this April. Head on down below the break for all the details as always!
Today, we learned that you're coming to visit us in April, and we just want you to know that your friendship, to us, is definitely magic!
—Your Faithful Convention, BABSCon"
Prepare your friendship reports and be sure to do your homework, because both Her Majesty, Princess Celestia, and Ponyville’s hardest-working teacher, Miss Cheerilee are coming to see us in the San Franciscolt Bay.
Hailing from the Great White North of Canada, Nicole Oliver is an actress of grand stature. In addition to her work on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, she’s lent her voice to a plethora of beloved characters, including Zoe Trent in Littlest Pet Shop, Molly McGrath in Max Steel, Shahrzad from 1001 Nights. She’s also appeared on-screen in Seed, Supernatural, and The Falling, among others.
On Slice Networks’ Crash Test Mommy, she served as Director, Producer, and Host as she helped 52 mothers garner well-deserved recognition and relaxation…Awfully fitting when you consider her motherly disposition!
Possessing a heart of gold, with wit and charm for the ages, Nicole will bring an air of royalty to the proceedings this April at BABSCon.
The Bay Area Brony Spectacular (BABSCon) is the first convention devoted to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic in the San Francisco Bay Area, and will be held on April 18-20, 2014 at the SFO Hyatt Regency in Burlingame, CA. Contact for more information! • •