Nightly Roundup #861
by Calpain
Happy New Year you guys! It has been another year of pony and another trip around the sun. It's been a tough year, but we're still here and pony has no signs of stopping any time soon. How about we make the New Year a memorable one and a great one for ourselves and each other. Remember, we are all in this together.
Lot's of news tonight guys. Check it after the break!
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Reign in this snowy new year with a bit of moonbutt! Or 47 other choices. We have a bunch of desktop wallpapers today. Get them all below!
And be sure to click the source links for the sizes. These are just previews.
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Road of Ice and Snow
This year's Herd Census has arrived, complete with a 50 question survey for you all to fill out and analyze the pony community with! With 22,000 people responding last year, we have a pretty big quota to fill. Head on down below the break for all the relevant information on it, as well as the form itself to fill out.
One final it of December before we move on to the new years! I'd say this was a pretty damn solid year in pony art.
Get it all below, 68 in all!
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PRAISE THE SUN. Why can't Dark Souls 2 release this month? There aren't many games I buy on day one without waiting for a sale, maybe twice a year max, and that one is on the top of the pedestal.
We have a remix of BATS! from Sim Gretina, followed by a new original vocal track from Synthis, and finish with another new Arche song, Drums and Bass style. How pony is it? Who knows! Who cares! Twilight Sparkle doesn't. Have you ever talked to Twilight Sparkle? She listens to ALL the music.
Get them below! And get some ratings going you anti-social listeners you. Even Facebook comments should work bow.
1.) Sim Gretina - Flutterbats (Remix - Electronic)
2.) Synthis - Escape (Vocal - Electronic)
3.) Archie - Praise The Sun(Original Mix) (Instrumental - Drums and Bass)
op 15:43
Sildid: Drums and Bass, Electronic, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: Remix, Music: Vocal, Not-Fanfiction -
Good news to all you CCG fans gunning for some more cards to flesh your decks out with. The next set has been confirmed by the MLP CCG Twitter page with a March/Early April release.
I'm currently compiling up some of the points made over on the Q&A at their Twitter page. Head on down below for those, and check back for updates as I keep collecting.
"Failure" is a funny word. You can usually apply it to something that fails to meet expectations. Luckily, however, if you have the willpower, you can turn a spectacular failure into an inspirational success story to be passed down through the ages. Alternately, if you have the marketing power, you can change the definition of the word entirely. Failing that, just throw money at it. If it works for me, it can work for you. That one's free.
Failure is a success story, after the break.
HopeFox over on Tumblr seems to be the first person who managed to figure out the cipher used on the Dr. Hooves card in the My Little Pony CCG! For all you cryptography superfans out there, it was a Vignere Cipher with the keyword "WHO."
So, what does XHRPPAXLFSVZB mean? BADTIMBERWOLF. Sound familiar, Dr. Who fans?
And right now over on Twitter four of the MLP: CCG development team is answering questions at #MLPCCG! I'll be over there running @MLP_CCG like usual, so come on over and ask some pressing questions! -
Trailer PMVS: Daring Don't (Theatrical Trailer) / Dawn of the Planet of the Ponies / The Amazing Spider-Mare 2 / My Little Cloverfield
by Sethisto
One trailer theater style for Daring Dont, and three parodies covering Cloverfield, Amazing Spiderman, and Dawn of the Planet of the apes. Get them down below the break!
1.) Daring Don't (Theatrical Trailer)
2.) The Amazing Spider-Mare 2
3.) Dawn of the Planet of the Ponies
4.) My Little Cloverfield
[Shipping] EQD is going Seapony!
Author: D. G. D. Davidson
Description: Just off Equestria's shores lies the Kingdom of Aquastria, where sea ponies, mermares, and a host of other fantastic creatures live under the benevolent rule of King Leo the sea lion. In this underwater world, Nar Wally the narwhal finds himself smitten with Electra the mermare. Electra, however, secretly loves Arrow the sea pony and openly scorns Wally. But when Electra makes a rash decision that endangers a pony's life, she may have to sacrifice her freedom to save him, and Wally may be the only one who can come to her aid.
Love on the Reef
This is based on the picture book My Little Pony: Under the Sparkling Sea by Mary Jane Begin, but should be accessible to all.
Additional Tags: Pony fights mermare at sea!
op 12:00
Sildid: Author: D. G. D. Davidson, Complete, Fanfiction, Flash Sentry, Other, Shipping, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Top 50 Brony Music Countdown is here!
by Calpain
It is New Year's Eve so that means we have to count down the best music of 2013! We're a little late on this, but there is still plenty of time to participate!
This New Years Eve, Ponyville Live is hosting an annual event that brings pony music, charity, and friendship together. For the third year in a Row, PonyToast hosts the Top 50 Pony Music Countdown: the oldest and most popular Brony-voted countdown.
In 2011, PinkiePieSwear's "Trixie's Good Side" battled with Ken Ashcorp's "20% Cooler" for the top spot. In 2012, MandoPony swept the votes with "Loyalty". Who will win this year? Tune in to find out.
During the broadcast, Toast will be gathering donations and offering up prizes for donators, including a signed fedora from Dusty Katt of Stay Brony My Friends. To enter, simply go HERE and donate, and do an "Advanced donation" including your email address. Several lucky folks will walk away with some neat prizes!
Tune in and rock out this New Years Eve starting at 1pm to 7pm eastern!
Ponyville Live -
We've got a new epic multi-parter comic for you guys today! I love the dedication put into these story arcs. Find the other parts in the description of the comic above!
Click for full guys!
Twitter: Calpain -
Random Merch: Rainbow Pony Set, Daring Pony Pre-orders, Charm Necklaces, Singing EG Dolls, and More!
by Sethisto
The Rainbow Pony Favorite Set has started to make it's way into stores. This one in particular was located at Target. Happy hunting there! Thanks to TwinkletoesKat for the heads up.
And head on down below the break for more random merch!
Both iTunes and Google Play have added Bats for download! I think you all know how it works by now, buy them seperate, or buy them as a season. Have some links:
Google Play
Nightly Roundup #860
by Calpain
Dash sure is an awesome pony with that ultimate bad girl look and attitude.
Really short Roundup tonight guys so let's get it over with!
I bet Lyra is jealous of Blossomforth. Remember when she was just a Hasbro recolor toy? I'm glad she got some love.
Anyway, onward to music! We have a playlist this time too for those feeling adventurous. That's what Music of the Day is all about isn't it? Adventuring into the unknown!
Anyway, get it all below.
After the Doctor Who special over Christmas I bet a lot of you are looking forward to more Who stuff.
Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
[Comedy][Slice of Life]
Author: TheSlorg
Description: Grace, beauty, elegance.
Princess Luna and the Cotton Candy Sugar Rush
Princess Luna embodies all of these traits as she faithfully attends to her royal duties. Yet sometimes, with the repetition of raising the moon each night and the tedium of hearing endless appeals for various favors and assistance, a princess just wants to have a little fun.
Enter Pinkie Pie, who knows just what Luna needs.
Additional Tags: Luna Consumes The Entire Bag
op 19:00
Sildid: Author: TheSlorg, Celestia, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Luna, Normal, Pinkie Pie, Star-Needed, Story -
We are about 1/4th into the season so far, and already ponies have been transformed multiple times, Daring Do made a big return and shifted from storybook character to reality, castles are being rebuilt, potential foreshadowing is happening in pretty much every single episode, and Scootaloo can't fly. While many seasons did have a storyline slightly hinted at throughout via the Grand Galloping Gala and Twilight's transformation, this is the first one with a big overarching plot.
So what do you think so far? Have there been any pivotal moments that shifted you from liking or hating it? What do you want to see it do in the future?
Hit those comments up! -
For all you card players out there still trying to figure out the best way to play the new MLP CCG, a site has popped up that boasts a full database of the current set, along with a deck builder to help you strategize before those big tournaments in the future.
Head on over here for the deck builder. Each card also has a specific page detailing everything, and stat pages for cost checks to make sure your decks are nice and balanced.
PRAISE THE SUN! Will she ever get her own episode? Will the princesses ever get their own episode in general? It would be an interesting little experiment to see how well 20 minutes of no mane 6 would pan out.
Anyway, get some art! And BOATLOADS OF BAT at the bottom.
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In A Clarior Futura BG
The Brony Doc has finally made its way on to Netflix! Expect loads more people to watch it now. Head on over here to check it out.
Thanks to everyone that sent it over! -
Spotlight! Remixes - Bats! (Aftermath Remix) / Hearts as Strong as Horses (174UDSI Party Remix)
by Sethisto
BATS! I said I didn't want to listen to dubstep, but darker Drums and Bass fits so well! Aftermath's remix starts us off, and in the second slot we have a blast from a few weeks ago with some Hearts as Strong as Horses. Both are below!
1.) Bats! (Aftermath Remix) (Remix - Drums and Bass)
2.) Hearts as Strong as Horses (174UDSI Party Remix) (Remix - Electrtonic)
The totally silly and not to be taken seriously Golden Muffin Awards have hit the final stage of voting, with a bunch of categories and nominations within for the masses to select their choices from! Everything from the charity events to the drama events are included. Head on down below for the full release, or just go vote.
Note: Nominations were chosen based on the previous poll. Blame your friends if something is on there you didn't want to see!
Powers were tough in Power Ponies. Dash could already control weather, Pinkie could already move at incredible space time breaking speeds, and Twilight seemed to have been pretty heavily nerfed. I guess it makes sense that Fluttershy won second place with an actual new ability. Rarity's victory was inevitable though. She was almost as Great and Powerful as a certain pony while under the influence a magical evil amulet!
Next poll: Fluttershy had fangs at the end of the last episode! Is it a permanent addition? Do you want it to be a permanent addition? What else would you like to see? Get it over on the side bar.
Story: Familiarity
by Calpain
Author: Obselescence
Description: When a familiar presence enters the free Crystal Empire, the scattered remains of King Sombra begin to take shape once more...
Additional Tags: Compassion Has Its Own Power -
Comic: Rebirth / Block: Flutterbat Instincts / Angel Bunny Recieves... / Snacktime Manners
by Sethisto
That right there is a whopping 500 pages of Doctor Whooves and Lyra. Hoe does one complete a 500 page comic? I haven't a clue. Hope you all have some spare time if you haven't started it already. It has been going for a year now. Click the image above to check out page one, and find all the chapters/parts in the description.
And if the Doctor isn't your thing, have some FLUTTERBAT.
Nightly Roundup #859
by Calpain
How about a break from Flutterbat for tonight with a pic of Celestia? I think it has been a long time since she had a Roundup header so here she is in all her glory.
News guys, after the break!
Weekly Wrap Up #002
by XyroTR1Wow, Flutterbat was EXACTLY what I wanted for Christmas! How did they know? Anywho, if being in the presence of this much adorable and awesome scrambled your mind like it did mine, here's what you missed this week.
These flash comics are kind of nice! Revealing things page by page sort of builds the suspense, you know?
Comics again guys. Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain
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