Before I am rushed to the hospital, I think we'll start voting for headers again. Suggest a header in the comments after checking out the news for today after the break!.
Tonight's Stories
How to Make Hooves for Costumes
This is a cool three part series on how to make simple, but awesome looking hooves for costumes and cosplay pieces! It'll also be put into our tutorial section for later viewing, but catch it up above for tonight!
Ponies Appear in Popular Vietnam Dance Show
Ponies in Vietnam now too? It's more likely than you think! Ponies start appearing around the :50 mark so skip ahead to there if you want to see.
Tonight's Groups Looking For More
Christmas Project Looking For Help
A small project is in the making for Christmas, and I am in need of a couple of people who are able to do the voices of Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle, as well as any artist willing to help out for a good handful of sketches!
For anyone interested, please contact!
Thank you!
New England PonyCon - Final Reminder
Season 4 is this Saturday!! If you are in the New England region why not celebrate the 2-part season premiere with us? This is your last chance to secure a spot for a premiere party you will never forget!
Please RSVP by PayPal only to secure your spot for this great event! Deadline is tomorrow 11/18 at 5:00 PM EST so please secure your spot now while you can! Email
Thanks and we hope to see you there!
Pony SFM Site Opens!
Pony SFM is a website where you can get all pony related stuff for Source Filmmaker in a simple and well sorted way!
The main categories of the site are:
- Maps
- Models
- Animations
- Sequences
- Scripts
- Skins
It also offers Tutorials, Tips, Tricks and much more. You can even submit your own stuff and it may gets published on the site!
Go check it out at
You can also join the Google+ Community and not miss any new stuff on the main Pony SFM site!
Tonight's Podcasts and Blogs
Bronies React to Season 3 Finale
Tonight's Merchandise
Luna Earrings
Today In Pony History
November 19, 2011-2012
2011 - The My Little Investigations Engine demo releases and May the Best Pet Win comes out.
2012 - Studio B gets some appreciation and Seth posts up an anniversary post for Boast Busters.