Just three weeks after Fluttershy starred in Putting Your
Hoof Down, she showed up again in what can probably be considered one of her
more popular episodes.
Hurricane Fluttershy contained a lot of moments that have
quickly become classic. I’m sure I don’t
need to remind anyone about Fluttershy’s tree disguise, or the musical training
montage. We also got a little character
development on the part of both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. We learned more about Fluttershy’s past, and
I for one endlessly appreciated the way Dash kept catching herself being too
harsh, and speaking more gently for Fluttershy’s sake.
Combine that with the reappearance of the ever-popular Spitfire,
and the first appearances of many new background pegasi, and we had an episode
that I felt was top-tier.
But why listen to me ramble about it when you could just
watch it? Head below the break for
Hurricane Fluttershy.