Fluttershy actually took a pretty big episode break, with the last one being A Bird in the Hoof almost a year earlier. Her characterization works really well on the sidelines though, so not many people were complaining. A two minute scene starring her is usually enough to re-ignite that flutterlove.
Putting Your Hoof Down brought in yet another new race to our ever-growing collection of sapient creatures. Early on, Lauren Faust actually mentioned that hooves are kind of the go-to feature for intelligent Equestrians. Minotaurs were going to happen at some point, might as well make the first one a salesman.
This was technically our second journey into the world of Fluttershy being a douchenozzle, though I think the discorded version was a bit more comedic. What do you guys think? Naturally assertive or Discord style for top shy? Hit those comments up, and get the episode below!