Going along with the trend of weekly releases over on Xbox live, a new pack dedicated to the Greatest and Most Powerful pony in all of Equestria has been released this time around.

So, why would you want a Trixie gamer picture thing? I'll tell you why. Trixie inspires confidence! This is a trait that the majority of those xXxxSupersaiyanXx((MLG-PRO))XxX people have an abundance of, which usually converts directly into skill. And what does skill turn into? A badass k/d ratio. In the world of xbox live, this is everything. Inspire amazement in your swarm of pre-teen followers on Youtube as you go 29/2 in every single game with killstreaks that would make a serial killer jealous.
All of this and more with Trixie. Get it over
here for a buck. Thanks to Nadermane for the heads up.