Story updates! I'm thinking of setting a specific time for these posts, though I'm not sure when. What time would you guys like to see these pop up every day?
[Adventure][Shipping] “An epic adventure with deep lore and mystery, a troubled romance, and a mare with too many secrets. I love it.” — Pre-reader Amacita
Author: Adcoon
Description: Everypony thinks they know Lyra. Bonbon only wishes she could say the same. For years she has tried to get to know the unicorn, but Lyra refuses to show her true self or accept Bonbon's advances. When Bonbon discovers that Lyra is leaving town without so much as saying goodbye, she decides to leave everything behind and follow, no matter how far they must go or how hard Lyra protests.Uniformity (New Part 9!)
An uncommonly tight-lipped Rainbow Dash tags along as a guide, paid by Lyra for her services, but the young Wonderbolt appears to have her own motivations as well.
Author: JasonTheHuman
Description: Strange nightmares are plaguing the ponies of Equestria.Moonlight (New Part 9!)
Somepony must help ponies to face their deepest fears, but unless Princess Luna is able to discover who—or what—is responsible, the nightmares may never end.
Scootaloo is ready to prove that she can be as fearless as her big sister, Rainbow Dash, even if it means never having a peaceful night's sleep again.
Author: Kwakerjak
Description: When Fluttershy received her certification as a fog specialist, she only wanted a plausible excuse to write off the expenses associated with her ground-based house on her taxes. However, when an accident in Cloudsdale sends a blanket of industrial-grade clouds rolling towards Ponyville, Fluttershy suddenly finds herself in charge of coordinating the response, mostly because she's the only fogFlash Fog (New Part 23!)
specialist in the area. Can our heroine step up to the challenge at hoof, or will she risk facing the wrath of the Equestrian Revenue Service?