Has Shining Armor ever been a nightly roundup header? I can't remember seeing him on any of these.
Anyway, get your usual community stuff below the break!
Military Brony Fan Animation
Poster here!
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We are currently working on a Fan animation project. the project is headed by many military bronies in an effort to create a full length animation depicting life in the equestrian military in a possible war time. the Script, written by military bronies of all services and ranks, has been completed. we are currently looking for VAs, Artist (Storyboard, Concept, Background), Animators and other OCs for the project. we would love it if you could help us in this endeavor. any questions can be emailed to [email protected]
Pony Awards
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It is my pleasure to announce the first ever Pony Awards! What are the Pony Awards? They are awards given to members of the fandom for their work in a particular subject, such as art or music. The recipients of these awards are nominated by other members of the community and then voted upon to see who will earn them. Full information with a detailed list of the awards can be found here.
But this is an event that needs your participation. You nominate your choices, and you vote on the results. This is one way that the ponies of the community can give back to everyone who has inspired and helped them. So go nominate! Please read all details in the link above, as it describes where you send your nominations, details about each award, and the list of the awards.
TrentonJedi Animation Project
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So if you are reading this, then that means you most likely want to help me, and my quest to make an animated series is plausible, and I can make friends.
Btw, top left is Flame, the OC we need a voice for.
Now, if you are going to apply for any of these roles (voice, background artist, or story-boarder) I need things from you.
Send me an Email with the name of the character you are auditioning for, and something you think they would say (Dr. Who quotes, Trixie Quotes, Spitfire quotes, Derp, etc.)
Background Artist
Send me a picture of an ORIGINAL MLP looking background that you have made.
Story Boarder
Send me a picture of an ORIGINAL MLP comic or story board thing that you have made.
If you were not selected for this series, don't feel bad, it probably just got canceled. But, if it didn't, and you weren't selected, send me an Email or something, and I'll give you behind the scenes shtuffs that will be worth a bajillian dollars someday. :)
There are multiple ways to contact me below. Thank you for reading this and if you are applying, good luck!
University of Minnesota Article on Pony
Find it here!
Past Sins Casting Call
Male Auditions
Female Auditions
Copy Paste:
For those of you that want to audition please record you lines in either a MP3 or WAV format and title the file (Character name)_(Your name) (example: Spell Nexus_Firebolt). Please e mail all auditions to here ([email protected]) or contact me on Skype, my username is matthew.woida1.
The deadline for these auditions is 10/31/13, that's right...Halloween. I hope to hear all your great auditions!
Luna! Rainbow!
Giant Discord Chalk Drawing!
Find it here.
Brony Network Movie Night
Every weekend in the month of october for 4 straight weekends we will play 1 horror movie each 3 days in the weekend which we like to call "3 films to die for" that'll give you goosebumps in the night. Viewers beware your in for a scare; Welcome to BNs Horrorfest 2013
{time schedule may change we highly suggest going to our steam group for updates / viewer discretion is advised }
Goosebumps {The Ghost Next Door}: 9pm Central / 10pm Eastern / 7pm Pacific
The Poltergeist {Rated PG}: 10pm CT / 11pm ET / 8pm PT
The Gravedancers {Rated R}: 10pm CT / 11pm ET / 8pm PT
Special Event {See steam group to unveil this event}: 7pm CT / 8pm ET / 5pm PT
Ghostbusters {Rated PG}: 10pm CT / 11pm ET / 8pm PT
{Main Stream}
{News / Updates}
UFP 37: Best Episode Ever
Find it here!
Last exit to Ponyville - #13
Welcome back to Equestria!
Our trio of hosts have returned to Ponyville and are well rested and ready to start off the show right.It’s been one year since Ponyville came to TWiG and that brings up a question…how are we perceived in the public eye and can we change the negative perception we sometimes have?
Laura,Trevor and Mike sit down and have a discussion at length about a recent alleged incident in a workplace where a man was fired for being a brony. What does it mean and how do we react if we react at all?
Things get down right serious in this conversation and what side are you on? Where do you fit in with your fandom and your workplace,etc?
We also WANT YOUR STORIES to be told and we want to hear from you!
Its good to be back guys and now…lets begin the new season of LAST EXIT TO PONYVILLE!
OMG! We’re one year old now!
YAY- Find it here.
Derpy Hooves Opportunity Video
Find it here!
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Aberdeen meet for Saturday the 19th of October
Meeting at Cafe Nero on Union Street near the monument for 12 noon
Heading to get lunch as a group somewhere local
Scour all the local shops for pony merchandise and comics
There's the possibility of some other things to do depending on how the day goes and how much time there is left before people have to head off
There isn't a planned ending time. It's pretty much going to last for as long as people are willing to stay
Golden State Group
Find it here!
Merch/Ebay Stuff
This Day in Pony History
2011: Epic Cupcake Time
2012: Slow Day!
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