• Fallout Equestria Radio Play Premiere 7:00 PM EST

    After a long wait, the radio play of FOE is finally here!

    In 2011, a new fanfiction was introduced to the brony community. Crossing the saccharine world of ponies with the brutality of the Fallout universe, it was unlike anything anyone had read before.

    By the story’s completion that same year, it had spawned an entire new branch of the fandom, inspiring a number of fanfics based in the same continuity. And now comes a contribution to bronies everywhere from the Equestrian Broadcasting Company, taking the wondrous world of this fanfiction and bringing it to life in the form of a radio play.

    Welcome to the first episode of the radio play adaptation of “Fallout: Equestria”.


    Click on the tab below titled "Fillydelphia Radio" under "Radio Stations" and it will automatically connect to the stream.

    Click on the "Tune In" tab at the top at 7PM to listen in!
    Check after the break from a note from the director.

    A note from the director:

    A radio play can bring a new level of existence to the characters of a story. What was once conveyed through text is now given a new form through voices, sounds, and music. Beyond what has been established in the story itself, a radio play can bring something alive and new beyond the scope of the protagonist's introspections. It has been, and will remain, the steadfast goal of our production.

    It is my honor, on behalf of the EBC and as myself, to present to you the first episode of the radio play adaptation of Fallout: Equestria. Here it is, at long last, after early a year of teasing and promotional releases. But no more!

    The cast and crew of the radio play have worked long and hard, and now is the time to show the fruits of our labor. After such a long holdup in development, I think you’ll enjoy the outcome.
    Stay tuned, and stay awesome!

     - RadioHooves

    Follow us on Tumblr here! http://falloutequestriaradio.tumblr.com/