I do love me some Halloween! And apparently you guys do too! This year's pumpkin event brought in a whopping 80 pumpkins for you all to browse through. I actually gave carving a shot and ended up with something absolutely terrible, so I've gained a newfound respect for all you pumpkin artists out there.
Head on down below the break for all of them!
1 Nightmare Night: Mare in the Moon - Mark

I had originally intended on submitting this last year, but by the time I had finished the submissions had closed. Since then it has spent the last year on DA and now I hope it can be fetured in your annual event.
I had originally intended on submitting this last year, but by the time I had finished the submissions had closed. Since then it has spent the last year on DA and now I hope it can be fetured in your annual event.
7 The Stars Welcome You to Nightmare Night! - Morgan Eppard

This is the first time I have tried to carve a little pumpkin, or in this style! Hope you like it!
This is the first time I have tried to carve a little pumpkin, or in this style! Hope you like it!
11 Nightmare Night Carving - L9OBL

It's a pumpkin carving of the album art for tombstones Nightmare night remix which was made by slifertheskydragon
It's a pumpkin carving of the album art for tombstones Nightmare night remix which was made by slifertheskydragon
13 Dusty Lantern - Vincent aka DirtyKitten

Its a Jack O' Lantern I have made of DustyKatt aka World's Manliest Brony
Its a Jack O' Lantern I have made of DustyKatt aka World's Manliest Brony
14 My Little Pumpkins - Chaos is Magic - love-mist

This was a set of three jack-o-lanterns my boyfriend and I did last year, but we had missed the deadline. Please excuse the bad photo, getting all three lit together was a bit tricky. Be sure to check the links in the description for the individual photos!
This was a set of three jack-o-lanterns my boyfriend and I did last year, but we had missed the deadline. Please excuse the bad photo, getting all three lit together was a bit tricky. Be sure to check the links in the description for the individual photos!
15 Pumpkin Carvings! - Sean

I'm not very good at this whole carving business, so went with something easy(ish). Trixie's and Twilight's cutie marks also have a sort of Halloween feel to them anyway.
I'm not very good at this whole carving business, so went with something easy(ish). Trixie's and Twilight's cutie marks also have a sort of Halloween feel to them anyway.
17 Derpy Zombie Pumpkin - Palyk

This was my second attempt at making a Derpy Pumpkin. I free-handed this far too much, which caused the right eye to fall apart. To salvage it, I changed it from a Derpy to a Zombie Derpy. It's not as technically good as my other one, but it has more of a Halloween feel to it.
This was my second attempt at making a Derpy Pumpkin. I free-handed this far too much, which caused the right eye to fall apart. To salvage it, I changed it from a Derpy to a Zombie Derpy. It's not as technically good as my other one, but it has more of a Halloween feel to it.
18 Luna - Bryan Ditzler

First time carving a pumpkin in over a decade, figured the princess of the night was fitting for my first nightmare night pumpkin.
First time carving a pumpkin in over a decade, figured the princess of the night was fitting for my first nightmare night pumpkin.
19 Applejack Pumpkin! - Oros Abaddon

Got some awesome friend eh? I don't take any credit. I had some friends who made this.
20 Nightmare Moon O'Lantern - Nightmare MoonGot some awesome friend eh? I don't take any credit. I had some friends who made this.
21 Flutter Rage - Vinny aka DirtyKitten

I had to draw the outlines on MS paint because it wouldn't come out in the dark... :/
I had to draw the outlines on MS paint because it wouldn't come out in the dark... :/
23 DustyLantern - Vinny aka DirtyKitten

I am just sending this because im unsure if I sent it with the FlutterRage one . I am not computer savvy :c
I am just sending this because im unsure if I sent it with the FlutterRage one . I am not computer savvy :c
24 Big Mac - F.B.

Hi, I wanted to do something different than a regular run-of-the-mill carving. I tried my best and hope you like it!
Hi, I wanted to do something different than a regular run-of-the-mill carving. I tried my best and hope you like it!
25 scrunchy-face Derpy! - F.B.

I really liked carving this one, thanks for letting me enter I had a lot of fun~
I really liked carving this one, thanks for letting me enter I had a lot of fun~
27 Nightmare Rarity Portrait - Scotch Sunrise

Referenced from this image: http://refro82.deviantart.com/art/Nightmare-Rarity-373417422
Referenced from this image: http://refro82.deviantart.com/art/Nightmare-Rarity-373417422
28 Nightmare Moon Pumpkin - CMC_Scootaloo

My Nightmare Moon pumpkin and first pony pumpkin ever. I cut some things out per accident, her ear looks bad and I made a terrible mistake with her mouth, but for my first carved pony pumpkin I'm happy with the result. :)
My Nightmare Moon pumpkin and first pony pumpkin ever. I cut some things out per accident, her ear looks bad and I made a terrible mistake with her mouth, but for my first carved pony pumpkin I'm happy with the result. :)
29 Pumpkin of Harmony - Phasor Shift

Pumpkin I carved last year of Twilight and the mane six using the Elements of harmony. I carved it the day after the contest ended last year, so I'm submitting it this year, if that's okay.
Pumpkin I carved last year of Twilight and the mane six using the Elements of harmony. I carved it the day after the contest ended last year, so I'm submitting it this year, if that's okay.
30 Pumpkin of the Night - Phasor Shift

Pumpkin I carved this year for Halloween! I really like how it turned out.
Pumpkin I carved this year for Halloween! I really like how it turned out.
42 Bat Pony Pumpkin - Hawkeye92

My first pumpkin carved this year, it's a relatively simple design depicting Echo, one of /mlp/'s bats and the choice of bat to be on the pumpkin chosen by that board.
My first pumpkin carved this year, it's a relatively simple design depicting Echo, one of /mlp/'s bats and the choice of bat to be on the pumpkin chosen by that board.
49 Derpy! - sarah

i got my stencil from http://quigon777.deviantart.com/art/MLP-Derpy-Pumpkin-Jack-O-Lantern-Cutout-333683607 this also took 2 hors (and some super glue! oops!)
i got my stencil from http://quigon777.deviantart.com/art/MLP-Derpy-Pumpkin-Jack-O-Lantern-Cutout-333683607 this also took 2 hors (and some super glue! oops!)
51 Discord-Lord of Chaos - ASliceOfPie

This was my first attempt at pumpkin sculpting. Inspiration was taken from the image of the same name by the amazing Ziom05.
This was my first attempt at pumpkin sculpting. Inspiration was taken from the image of the same name by the amazing Ziom05.
57 Braeburn-O-Lantern - Texas Uber Alles

We ain’t gotta lotta pumpkins in Appleloosa, but we sure do got a whole lotta apples! This here’s a Braeburn Apple, uh… carved into a Braeburn Apple.
We ain’t gotta lotta pumpkins in Appleloosa, but we sure do got a whole lotta apples! This here’s a Braeburn Apple, uh… carved into a Braeburn Apple.
58 RD Cutie Mark Carving - Chris "Trebek" Reynolds

For my first carving, I'm pretty happy with it. Full resolution versions at DeviantArt page.
For my first carving, I'm pretty happy with it. Full resolution versions at DeviantArt page.
60 King Sombra - DavinciWolf

Lots of firsts with this one. My first MLP themed pumpkin, my first time participating in one of EQD's events, and my first time carving a pumpkin with power tools.
Lots of firsts with this one. My first MLP themed pumpkin, my first time participating in one of EQD's events, and my first time carving a pumpkin with power tools.
64 Apples in Apples - Sean

Pumpkins are surprisingly difficult to find locally, so it was decided to fully embrace the spirit of Applejacktober and try carving up some red apples instead. Seemed appropriate.
Pumpkins are surprisingly difficult to find locally, so it was decided to fully embrace the spirit of Applejacktober and try carving up some red apples instead. Seemed appropriate.
78 Luna Pumpkin 2 - Scarlet Twinkle

Another shot at my Luna Pumpkin, this one in the light so you can actually see it in detail. Which probably isn't a good thing...
Another shot at my Luna Pumpkin, this one in the light so you can actually see it in detail. Which probably isn't a good thing...
80 Mare in the Moon - Timothy (Ueiyv)

I would prefer you use Ueiyv if my name is to be with the picture. Alternate link, to unlit version: http://i.imgur.com/GF4fKzWh.jpg
I would prefer you use Ueiyv if my name is to be with the picture. Alternate link, to unlit version: http://i.imgur.com/GF4fKzWh.jpg