Nightly Roundup #809
by Calpain
It might not be Nightmare Night anymore in my part of the world but that isn't going to stop Twilight! Have some news from a sleep deprived Cal everyone! He's currently hanging out at a Second Life event so come on by if you'd like to talk for a bit!
Check out our news after the break!
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DinkySharkFighter32: Nightmare Night
by Calpain
After the success of Dinky's debut on Youtube this little unicorn is back with tales of how she spent her Nightmare Night! So many animations and things! You guys must really like Halloween, eh?
Check after the break for the video!
Today has been pretty nuts, and I'm way behind. I wanted to split this up into old and new batpony art, but there really isn't a whole lot of "in the last few days" bat stuff. We have around 90 images with the classics and the current gen mixed. Use it to supplement your bat collection with stuff you may have missed, or build a new one!
Anyway, go get some bat.
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Trixie or Trick
We got boatloads of music for today, so I'm just going to turn this into a mini event post. Season 4 just had to drop a bunch of news right on top of Halloween didn't it?
Artists from all over the fandom are included in this one. Hopefully you all are in the mood for a bit of Halloween creepiness!
Head on down below the break for all of it!
So Nightmare Night. Apparently you guys love drawing it or something. This post is split in two, with Halloween themed stuff at the top, and normal stuff at the bottom. Altogether we hit 73 images! That's almost unheard of in this pony haitus!
Expect the batpony drawfriend to pop up some time after this one, assuming I can find time for it with all this stuff coming in.
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Nightmare Night Festival
We've seen donkeys before in the show, certainly, but never more than as the end of a joke, much less as a main character. What better of a welcome to give said donkey looking forlornly for his long-lost companion than a sugar-infused, song-filled welcome wagon by Ponyville's resident party pony? Story is conflict, or so I'm told.
If you've ever heard the fantastic Smile, Smile, Smile, it comes from this episode. As a matter of fact, this episode held the record for most songs in a single episode until Magical Alicorn Surprise came along and destroyed that record with its seven individual tunes. It's like it was a musical or something. Back to Smile, though- at three minutes and twenty three seconds it's certainly one of the longest, if not the longest song in the show. It nearly takes up a full seventeen percent of the episode. That, coincidentally, is also the last time I do any math this early in the morning.
Be sure to catch Pinkie Pie Invents The Restraining Order after the break.
Wow, when a new season hits us, it hits us hard. Another teaser tweet sent out by Meghan McCarthy (Now the Co-Executive Producer in other news) notes that the "Best. Musical. Sequence. Ever!" is on the way in the land of Season 4.
I'm hoping for more villain song personally! I guess only time will tell. -
Season 4 Episodes One and Two Expanded Even More, with Cast, Wallpapers, and Longer Synopsis
by Sethisto
A bunch of neat little nuggets of information have once again been revealed via press releases over on the Discovery/Hub section. While they did have that big two part opener information sheet a few days ago, these two go into the specifics on each episode. Spoilers are obvious, though everything isn't revealed.
Head on down below the break for the expanded synopsis, cast of each episode (probably the most spoilery bit if you want to avert your eyes), as well as some awesome 1920X1080 wallpapers of the episodes themselves.
Another odd little press release has popped up over at Discovery, detailing each of the characters as they will appear in season four. A good amount of the information is already well known, but for all you people scared one of of favorites is going to be changed based on a new set of wings, this should help dispel it a bit.
Head on down below the break for all of them.
Hey everyone! Alex here, wishing you a happy Halloween and giving a friendly reminder that the Batpony Writeoff ends today. Entries need to be in by 11:59 PM EST, so don't forget! As a quick refresher, you need to send your entry to this submission form.
So get those stories in, ponies! The day after Halloween, I want to sit back in my chair with a cup of harvest spice tea and a pile of batponies in front of me. (I've also learned that some people call these guys thestrals. What do you think?) -
Just in case you haven't ponified everything by this point, Hot Topic has added a Derpy emblazoned robe to their merchandise section. It looks like they have a 25% off sale going on at the moment too. Head on over here to check out the robe, and here for the earrings.
Thanks to BF4pony for the heads up. -
Larrys Comics has revealed their variant for the upcoming Spike micro comic. Expect it to pop up over here closer to the release date next month. Thanks to everyone that sent it! -
The Zap2it versions of the first two episodes of season 4 have been revealed. Following the same trend as last year, these will be after the page break for those that want to avoid them. If you caught the one from earlier, you kind of have the idea for the first episode. This includes separate ones for each though.
Anyway, get them below the break!
Halloween seems to have sparked a few extra albums for you all, along with some older ones that have been camping the folder for a bit. I'd recommend you go support those musicians that have entertained most of you for the last two years! This is the best way to do it.
Have a list:
The Fantasy - d.notive
Sleep Cycle - Mbulsht
Amity Lines - Cherax Destructor
Frame - Taps
Monsters and Magic - General Mumble
Dark Acquaintance - My Little Creeper
Voices of the Dead - Nicolas Dominique
And links with information below!
The big wigs over at our hypothetical fandom absorbing Hasbro office have another blank check to give out! With Twilight Sparkle slowly becoming old news in the world of little girls super special princess pony merchandise, they need a new alicorn! Little girls only like alicorn princesses after all!
Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to pick a side character who will receive an entire two-part episode based around their ascension to princessdom. The guys in suits need a short few sentence synopsis on how exactly she will acquire her new wings and horn, and a location for them to rule within Equestria.
Examples of side ponies:
Photo Finish
Sapphire Shores
The Greatest and Most Powerful Trixie
(Basically anyone that has spoken lines and has had a pony say their name in the show).
Hit those comments up with your pick and episode synopsis!
Hard Mode: Pick a male pony and explain how you will market him to little girls
If there is one thing this fandom just loves to do a ridiculous amount of, it's shipping ponies. There isn't a character out there that hasn't been hooked up with someone at least once. Nine out of ten times it would be a female pony with a female pony, but one colt lucked out. Big Mac had almost two years of free reign over the ladies of Ponyville if fanfiction was any indication, so how did he match up in the real canon?
Hearts and Hooves day actually leaked a day early on iTunes, so the huge rush of talking about it was quelled a bit. It's almost beautiful how all watching an episode at the same time sets the comment/forum posting into overdrive. As much as I liked sleeping in that day, I missed it.
The episode itself came with yet another song, the first of which starred all three CMC not being forced to sing badly. We saw rainbows vacuumed, ponies playing video games (and the precursor to the rise of Button Mash), confirmation of death, and whatever this thing is:
Anyway, get your Hearts and Hooves below the break!
I do love me some Halloween! And apparently you guys do too! This year's pumpkin event brought in a whopping 80 pumpkins for you all to browse through. I actually gave carving a shot and ended up with something absolutely terrible, so I've gained a newfound respect for all you pumpkin artists out there.
Head on down below the break for all of them!
The 12th installment of the official My Little Pony comic was released today, complete with all of it's Shining Armor and Cadence shenanigans. Hopefully a good amount of you had a chance to check it out by now. Feel free to drop your thoughts below! Have the usual list:
Variants (Images in order from right to left, top to bottom)
Cover A
Retail Incentive
1 Million Celebration Cover (Limited, information here)
Hot Topic Cover
Virginia Comic Con Exclusive
Happy reading! Expect the followup on Saturday.
Did I ever mention that I love Halloween? Not only do we get to dress all the ponies up as witches with pointy hats, but the art posts always explode.
Have a bunch of art below!
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Witching hour
The Futon Critic has tossed up air times for the first two episodes, as well as the third for season four. Both of these are in the Eastern time zone:
11/30/13 (Sa.) 10:30 AM THE HUB (#403) N/A
11/23/13 (Sa.) 10:00 AM THE HUB (#401/402) N/A
It looks like we have to wait just a week for even more pony after the premiere. My relief levels have hit an all time high there.
Thanks to Whatshisgame for the heads up! -
We start with a massive manga style comic in the first slot, with over 62 pages including lesson 2, followed by the completion of the Fallout Equestria Madmax comic, and two single parters to end the post. Click for full!
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