lordalexander74 fired an email off to 4dE asking about the future Applejack plushie releasing some time in 2014, and came back with some good news for all you farmpony fans out there. She's finally getting a hat! Have the direct quote:
Applejack's release is still a ways into 2014, but there are plans for her hat, yes, as it is a major part of her character design. Not sure if there are going to be models with/without the hat or such details just yet. Thank you for your interest and inquiry!Knowing the quality level of the current 4de plushies, I doubt they will slack off on the design of it. Hopefully images appear soon!
Now to get us some Fluttershy. You guys should go send letters to major retailers asking them to request these ponies or something. Toys R' Us would be a good bet if their openness for the Funko toys is any indication. We need more places to buy them. Spaghetti manes and odd snouts are dominating right now, and this needs to be fixed!